Back From the Big Family Trip To... Idaho!

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Jan 10, 2020
Snoqualmie, WA, United States
It was fun to be with four out five of my kids, a husband, a son-in-law, five grandkids and two dogs. We stayed in a nicely refurbished house built in 1905. It had five bedrooms.


As for writing, I got to the half-way mark editing a book I wrote 18 years ago. Called 'Vanish', it always had potential, but I have rewrite every... single... sentence. It's a Christian one, with some Sherlockian elements. I'm almost two-thirds done now. I'm going to revise a book I self-pubbed a few years, which also needs help, put in some connectors, and make the two a series (of two). I'm excited about it!
It was fun to be with four out five of my kids, a husband, a son-in-law, five grandkids and two dogs. We stayed in a nicely refurbished house built in 1905. It had five bedrooms.

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As for writing, I got to the half-way mark editing a book I wrote 18 years ago. Called 'Vanish', it always had potential, but I have rewrite every... single... sentence. It's a Christian one, with some Sherlockian elements. I'm almost two-thirds done now. I'm going to revise a book I self-pubbed a few years, which also needs help, put in some connectors, and make the two a series (of two). I'm excited about it!

Welcome back! Glad you had a great time. She's adorable :)
Sounds like the trip to Idaho really sparked up some inspiration!

Yay, good for you, Victoria :-)
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