
  1. Paul Whybrow

    Thought for the Day Big Book....

    Big Book, big bore. Callimachus
  2. Paul Whybrow

    Thought for the Day Never look back unless....

    Never look back unless you are planning to go that way. Henry David Thoreau
  3. Paul Whybrow

    Thought for the Day When you sell a man a book you don’t sell him just....

    “When you sell a man a book you don’t sell him just twelve ounces of paper and ink and glue - you sell him a whole new life. Love and friendship and humour and ships at sea by night - there’s all heaven and earth in a book, a real book I mean.” Christopher Morley
  4. From Our Blog

    Blog Post: One Perfect Sentence

    New blog post by mickleinapickle One Perfect Sentence Posted on behalf of Peter Cox… The prompt this month was to complete “It was the best of times, it was the worst of times…” in a novel way. In this, you manifestly succeeded In fact, this was arguably the best OPS contest we’ve run so...
  5. Paul Whybrow

    Thought for the Day If you show someone something you've written....

    “If you show someone something you’ve written, you give them a sharpened stake, lie down in your coffin, and say, ‘When you’re ready’”. David Mitchell
  6. Paul Whybrow

    Thought for the Day It seems incredible, the ease with which we.....

    “It seems incredible, the ease with which we sink through books quite out of sight, pass clamorous pages into soundless dreams.” William H. Gass
  7. Mel L

    News Farewell, David Lodge!

    David Lodge was one of my literary heroes and a true comic genius. David Lodge, Campus Trilogy novelist and academic, dies aged 89
  8. Paul Whybrow

    Thought for the Day For last year's words belong to.....

    “For last year’s words belong to last year’s language. And next year’s words await another voice.” T. S. Eliot
  9. Pamela Jo

    Craft Chat Steering the craft Ursula Le Guin

    The last clementine of xmas. A little gift to start the year right.
  10. From Our Blog

    Blog Post: WTF, Will! sonnets + summary

    New blog post by Vagabond Heart WTF, Will! sonnets + summary My reading of The Complete Works of Shakespeare was almost at an end. The book (only a paperback) had weighed in at 1250g, and the font was tiny, so this really felt like an achievement. It was now so mauled-looking that Will had...
  11. From Our Blog

    Blog Post: WTF, Will! The poems 1 – 5

    New blog post by Vagabond Heart WTF, Will! The poems 1 – 5 Well, I’d just read all of Shakespeare’s plays and I was feeling extremely showy-offy. And yes, I’d been totally mind-blown or singularly unimpressed and all the stops inbetween. But I couldn’t say I’d read the Complete Works until...
  12. From Our Blog

    Blog Post: WTF, Will! parts 27 – 29

    New blog post by Vagabond Heart – discussions in this thread, please --- This part of the book had the men taking centre stage. Shakespeare had hit his stride. At least, that’s what I’d heard, and I was interested to see if they lived up to the hype. Were they really mad, bad, and dangerous to...
  13. From Our Blog

    Blog Post: WTF, Will! parts 21 – 23

    New blog post by Vagabond Heart – discussions in this thread, please --- I was approaching the halfway mark of my Shakespeare-a-thon, and methought it was time for some top scores. The Big H was coming up, so I was well excited. That’s got to deliver the goods, I thought, otherwise why was it...
  14. From Our Blog

    Blog Post: WTF, Will! parts 16 – 18

    New blog post by Vagabond Heart – discussions in this thread, please --- I was cracking on with my stupidly self-imposed lockdown challenge to read The Complete Works of Shakespeare. I’d met a few Henry’s now, and although I knew one of them was meant to be rousing stuff, I had no clue which...
  15. Pamela Jo

    Self-Publishing Spine? If Only Publishers Had a Backbone

    Subscriber OnlyOpinion We are up to our necks in a rising tide of AI-generated slop A person who thinks a book can be ‘edited’ by a piece of software is a person who simply doesn’t know what editing is Expand A majority of the study’s participants preferred a poem generated by AI in the style...
  16. From Our Blog

    Blog Post: WTF, Will! parts 5 – 8

    New blog post by Vagabond Heart – discussions in this thread, please --- Full of enthusiasm for my lockdown project of reading The Complete Works of Shakespeare, I wandered blindly on to play number 5. Some time later I stumbled back out, wondering if there’s any wriggle-room on those do not...
  17. Paul Whybrow

    Thought for the Day We cannot simply sit and stare at....

    We cannot simply sit and stare at our wounds forever. Haruki Murakami
  18. Paul Whybrow

    Thought for the Day It is only by witing, not....

    'It is only by writing, not dreaming about it, that we develop our own style.' P. D. James
  19. Paul Whybrow

    Thought for the Day We read in bed because reading is....

    We read in bed because reading is halfway between life and dreaming, our own consciousness in someone else's mind. Anna Quindlen
  20. Bloo

    Book Club P.G. Wodehouse - The Code of the Woosters: JttR

    When is it ??? Just starting Chapter 3. I may need one of Jeeves' tissue restoratives to get through this.