creative writing

  1. Rich.

    how about feel you Grammar – do?

    How do you feel about grammar? A conversation over in The Laboratory got me thinking: why is it that some writers love grammar while some break out in a cold sweat at its merest mention? @RK Capps, in that Lab thread, quotes writing guru Dwight V Swain talking about when things go wrong: And...
  2. robertcday

    Greetings from Robert C Day (please, call me Robert)

    So, I was getting spots in my ears and this puzzled me because I wash my ears thoroughly in the shower each morning; inside and out. But still, I had these little sore spots: like the kind of things that teenagers get on their face except that they were not on my face. And I'm no teen. I...
  3. Erica Verrillo

    52 Calls for Submissions in May 2017 - Paying Markets

    Litopians! Arise and submit! May is a great month for submitting your poetry, creative nonfiction, short stories, random musings, shopping lists, and yes! even whole manuscripts. There are over four dozen calls for submissions this month. All of these are paying markets! There are no submission...
  4. Erica Verrillo

    33 Calls for Submissions in April 2017

    Litopians! Arise and submit! There are nearly three dozen calls for submissions in April. Every genre and every form is welcome! All are paying markets. (There are no fees to submit.) Publishing ... and Other Forms of Insanity: 33 Calls for Submissions in April 2017
  5. Erica Verrillo

    38 Writing Contests in April 2017 - No Entry Fees

    Litopians! Arise and compete! There are more than three dozen free contests in April, covering the full range of topics, styles and genres, from essays, to poetry, to full-length works. Some of the monetary prizes are substantial. Be sure to check the submission requirements carefully, as some...
  6. Erica Verrillo

    27 Calls for Submissions in November 2016 - Paying Markets

    Litopians! Submit! There are over two dozen open calls for submissions in November. All genres and styles are welcome, including poetry. fiction, nonfiction, and personal essays. All are paying markets. Publishing ... and Other Forms of Insanity: 27 Calls for Submissions in November 2016 -...
  7. Erica Verrillo

    33 Writing Contests in November 2016 - No Entry Fees

    November may be a cold and dreary month, but it has a bright spot - lots of free writing contests! This month there are contests for stories, poems, unpublished and published books, translations, essays, plays - you name it, there's a contest for it. None of these contests charge entry fees, so...
  8. Erica Verrillo

    24 Writing Contests in August 2016 - No Entry Fees

    There are two dozen free writing contests coming up in August. Some, like the Governor General's Award, are quite prestigious. Every genre and style is represented in these contests, from flash creative nonfiction, to poetry, to humor. Some of these contests have age and regional restrictions...
  9. Erica Verrillo

    24 Calls for Submissions in July 2016 - Paying Markets

    Hello all! I've culled the internet and found two dozen calls for submissions in July. All of these are paying markets. (There is a range of payment from "token" to $1000.) All genres are represented and all forms - poetry, fiction, and creative non-fiction. If you want to get a jump on calls...