
  1. Katie-Ellen

    The real work happens behind the scenes

    Let loose and let rip. Writing is one thing. Publishing another. Performance anxiety is putting the cart before the horse.
  2. Katie-Ellen

    Season's Greetings

    Writing friends of Litopia, near and far, new and, erm, old/er. Thank you for all the fun and your good company. Wishing you health and happiness in 2022. May the Muse be with you, and your writing prosper.
  3. Katie-Ellen

    Fanfare! Litopian Madz...His Debut YA Novel Featured in The Times :)

    Looka here:- Just seen on twitter. He did it himself! But a member here a long time, our friend, and that's something to celebrate... I know @Madz wouldn't post this himself. Read on. I Am Thunder
  4. AgentPete

    Katie-Ellen Is Writing Dangerously This Year...

    :) The Year of Writing Dangerously
  5. Katie-Ellen

    Inkitt Novel Submissions: the Contract

    I got another email from these people today. This is their contract. What do people think? Has anyone here submitted any work to Inkitt ? (deadline today) I'd feel myself, that I would be putting my head into a bag re COPYRIGHT Here is what you win, looks pretty good, but what do you lose?
  6. Katie-Ellen

    Sci Fi Writers of Litopia, submission opportunity.

    Seen on Twitter Deadline: June 30th, 2017 Payment: $5 per 1,000 words up front, royalties, and a contributor’s copy Other submission opportunities too. Horror Tree
  7. Katie-Ellen

    Fanfare! A teeny fanfare: being published, flash fiction born here..

    'Red Rescue', it began life here in the Flash Fiction club, and had a few re-writes. It will be illustrated and published in August with The Story Shack I am sure they would want to see work from other folks here. Non-exclusive, you are free to place the piece elsewhere meantime.
  8. Katie-Ellen

    Podcast: How To Write a London Novel

    PODCAST With Will Self and other London writers. Ben Aaronovitch could get a mention. Reviewers who say they don't read fantasy have also said they have read Rivers of London for his wonderful portraiture of streets they know: London Books are big business, and London's open for Business...