Could he blame it a Democrat-adjacent aspect? State policies might not have the oomph you are looking for, but he sounds like someone who would inflate any slight to his ego.
If the incoming government saw a way to make billions off the Blue, deals would be made.
I've thought about that angle. But I don't like the idea of the Blue sharing tech with only one state. I think the Blue would know better than to allow that.
The Blue don't land. We send a Space-X to get them. I'd already thought of doing it this way, but for another reason. Now it could be, the Blue want a ride coz they don't want a single state to get their tech in the form of a ship.
Originally, Russia offered to be the first to host the aliens - prestige and all that. When the US is chosen, the Russians hatch a plan to sabotage the visit. Their line would then be that the US is too unstable to welcome them. Come to Russia where you will be safe.
I'm so confoozed.