Big Brother Amazon

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As I imagine some of us have strong feelings about Amazon one way or another, you might want to move this to the back room so only us members can see our responses.
As I imagine some of us have strong feelings about Amazon one way or another, you might want to move this to the back room so only us members can see our responses.
Good point. I just signed the petition against Amazon's intrusion into the lives of writers. It's frightening how corporations run the world these days, with governments ignoring or assisting their activities.
I agree. I'm cyber and real life friends with plenty of authors, bloggers, and reviewers. Doesn't mean their reviews and mine aren't legit, though. It's crap. Amazon wants to rule the world.
The article says it all: if you're indie, then you rely on social media, and if you're "friends" with someone on social media, what then?
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