Fellow Litopians… Please Welcome Jonny To The Ranks Of Guardians!

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Capo Famiglia
Full Member
May 19, 2014
London UK
I’m delighted to announce that @Jonny has agreed to become a Guardian here in the Colony!

Jonny is known to just about every active Litopian as an all-round nice guy. Even his recent haircut hasn’t changed his sunny demeanour one jot :)

The Guardians keep Litopia the positive place it is. They work behind the scenes to resolve issues before they become major problems. Most of their work is unseen, but we all benefit from their selfless investment of time in the Colony.

Thank you so much, Jonny, for agreeing to be a Guardian! :) p.
I’m delighted to announce that @Jonny has agreed to become a Guardian here in the Colony!

Jonny is known to just about every active Litopian as an all-round nice guy. Even his recent haircut hasn’t changed his sunny demeanour one jot :)

The Guardians keep Litopia the positive place it is. They work behind the scenes to resolve issues before they become major problems. Most of their work is unseen, but we all benefit from their selfless investment of time in the Colony.

Thank you so much, Jonny, for agreeing to be a Guardian! :) p.
Yay, Jonny!!!!!!! Not only an all-round nice guy but smart too... dodgy sense of humour though ;)
I’m delighted to announce that @Jonny has agreed to become a Guardian here in the Colony!

Jonny is known to just about every active Litopian as an all-round nice guy. Even his recent haircut hasn’t changed his sunny demeanour one jot :)

The Guardians keep Litopia the positive place it is. They work behind the scenes to resolve issues before they become major problems. Most of their work is unseen, but we all benefit from their selfless investment of time in the Colony.

Thank you so much, Jonny, for agreeing to be a Guardian! :) p.
Yay @Jonny!!! You are such an asset!
Sorry fellow scribblers, I'm just catching up on this thread now.

Very remiss of me not to have thanked you all already for your very kind messages.

Thank you so much!!!
I’m delighted to announce that @Jonny has agreed to become a Guardian here in the Colony!

Jonny is known to just about every active Litopian as an all-round nice guy. Even his recent haircut hasn’t changed his sunny demeanour one jot :)

The Guardians keep Litopia the positive place it is. They work behind the scenes to resolve issues before they become major problems. Most of their work is unseen, but we all benefit from their selfless investment of time in the Colony.

Thank you so much, Jonny, for agreeing to be a Guardian! :) p.
Welcome Jonny, and thank you!!!
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