
Thought For The Day

Bad writing is....
Bad writing is bad not just because the language is humdrum, but the quality of the observation is so poor. Christopher Isherwood

Blog Posts

  • Journeys and the Importance of Writing Communities
    My Writing Journey During my formative years, I had spells when I thought I’d like to be an author ...
  • And Another One Gone…
    Donald Sutherland is gone. I saw him on stage at the Mark Taper Forum in Los Angeles years ago in a ...
  • Pride Weekend, Part 2.
    I’ve never liked my voice. I’m not alone. People, in general, hate their voices. We are simply n ...
  • Pride Weekend
    This year, for the first, time, I noticed the absence of something in June: rainbows. I’d never be ...
  • Bad Writing
    Lately, I’ve been hearing lots of complaints about awful writing. Not mine – people aren’t say ...


Fanfare! Blog Link in Main Menu
I've just opened *new* posts up to comments. It may take a while to see what level of comments we're going to get... let's see...
Fanfare! New Seminar: Creating Book Proposals & Sell Sheets
I’m delighted to announce a new video seminar - “Creating Book Proposals & Sell Sheets”. It’s less than an hour long and – I hope! – quite easy...
Fanfare! God Save the Queen
Thanks Sedayne. Glad you enjoyed it.
Fanfare! My first illustrated book!
Gorgeous cover!! Good luck at the festival xx r