
  1. Pamela Jo

    News Dopamine and Addiction to Romance Novels

    Do the hard thing especially when yu dont want to. The reason why taking the easy way out gets yu nowhere. The discipline of writing/exercising everyday.
  2. From Our Blog

    Blog Post: Love, Christmas

    New blog post by Claire G – discussions in this thread, please --- The Long and Short of It I enjoy writing short stories, which is a complete one-eighty compared to how I used to feel. I used to wonder how an author could convey so much meaning in so few words. It took practice and the...
  3. AgentPete

    Fanfare! One Perfect Sentence - October Winners!

    I’m delighted to announce the winners of October’s One Perfect Sentence competition! This month, we made all the entries anonymous, so there was no possibility of favouritism. The votes simply reflected your own unfiltered perception of the entries. However, I’ve just unmasked the entrants, and...
  4. AgentPete

    Fanfare! We Have Two Joint Winners...!

    I’m delighted to announce that we have two joint winners for this month’s ONE PERFECT SENTENCE contest… Claire & Jonny! Graphics for both are below, and are going out on our social media right now. I loved all the entries! Here are the top three places together with a special mention...
  5. ellyaisling

    Welcome… I’m New Here! Hi from Down Under

    Hi all, from sunny Down Under... I'm a newbie here, returning from a submission/publishing hiatus. I've been officially writing for 5yrs, and before that, worked in the travel industry as a copywriter and travel agent. It's a thrilling world and I love writing about it...and photographing it...
  6. Katie-Ellen

    Wolf-style love and the Lupercalia

    Are you writing romance....or is it the tragedy of the folie a deux? Smash the place to pieces. Crash and burn it to ashes. Everyone needs a good slap. As in Wuthering Heights. No need for added cowbell. In honour of the she-wolf of Rome, foster mother of Romulus and Remus, this is the day of...
  7. M

    Hello, it's me...

    Hi! I may look a tad like Adele I don't sing quite as well. Good thing then I chose to be a writer! I am a French native and I've been writing forever in my mother-tongue, I even published a novel last year, a bitter romance called "L". I've always loved the English language and lived a few...
  8. Katie-Ellen

    Submission Opportunity: A November Love Story

    One week to go to the deadline. Do you have a love story, any kind, 5,000-10,000 words? Read on.... Sceptre Love Story Submissions
  9. F

    Pleased to be here

    Hi, I'm Fran Connor, a British novelist living in SW France. It rains less here! I have three novels published and one series of novellas. They can be seen on my Amazon author page. I write in several...