
  1. ellyaisling

    Welcome… I’m New Here! Hi from Down Under

    Hi all, from sunny Down Under... I'm a newbie here, returning from a submission/publishing hiatus. I've been officially writing for 5yrs, and before that, worked in the travel industry as a copywriter and travel agent. It's a thrilling world and I love writing about it...and photographing it...
  2. Katie-Ellen

    Wolf-style love and the Lupercalia

    Are you writing romance....or is it the tragedy of the folie a deux? Smash the place to pieces. Crash and burn it to ashes. Everyone needs a good slap. As in Wuthering Heights. No need for added cowbell. In honour of the she-wolf of Rome, foster mother of Romulus and Remus, this is the day of...
  3. M

    Hello, it's me...

    Hi! I may look a tad like Adele I don't sing quite as well. Good thing then I chose to be a writer! I am a French native and I've been writing forever in my mother-tongue, I even published a novel last year, a bitter romance called "L". I've always loved the English language and lived a few...
  4. Katie-Ellen

    Submission Opportunity: A November Love Story

    One week to go to the deadline. Do you have a love story, any kind, 5,000-10,000 words? Read on.... Sceptre Love Story Submissions
  5. F

    Pleased to be here

    Hi, I'm Fran Connor, a British novelist living in SW France. It rains less here! I have three novels published and one series of novellas. They can be seen on my Amazon author page. I write in several...