
  1. Claire G

    The Strange Imagination of Pippa Clayton

    Pippa Clayton is a grown woman with an imaginary friend and her daily life is accompanied by a soundtrack that she hears in her head. She envisions fantastical scenes unfolding, from travelling on the Hogwarts Express to bowling offenders who block supermarket aisles out of the way like...
  2. Katie-Ellen

    Inspiration! Wolf-style love and the Lupercalia

    Are you writing romance....or is it the tragedy of the folie a deux? Smash the place to pieces. Crash and burn it to ashes. Everyone needs a good slap. As in Wuthering Heights. No need for added cowbell. In honour of the she-wolf of Rome, foster mother of Romulus and Remus, this is the day of...
  3. Victoria Bastedo

    Mini-Droids and Tea

    Mini-Droids were the new rave in personal phone devices. They walked. Their lips moved when they talked. The male Mini-Droid, named Colepepper, looked just like his inventor. The female was named Poppy and looked… just like her. How dare the man reproduce her form into a seven-inch droid, and...
  4. M

    Hello, it's me...

    Hi! I may look a tad like Adele I don't sing quite as well. Good thing then I chose to be a writer! I am a French native and I've been writing forever in my mother-tongue, I even published a novel last year, a bitter romance called "L". I've always loved the English language and lived a few...
  5. Katie-Ellen

    Submission Opportunity: A November Love Story

    One week to go to the deadline. Do you have a love story, any kind, 5,000-10,000 words? Read on.... Sceptre Love Story Submissions
  6. F

    Pleased to be here

    Hi, I'm Fran Connor, a British novelist living in SW France. It rains less here! I have three novels published and one series of novellas. They can be seen on my Amazon author page. I write in several...