Wolf-style love and the Lupercalia

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Sep 25, 2014
Are you writing romance....or is it the tragedy of the folie a deux?

Smash the place to pieces. Crash and burn it to ashes. Everyone needs a good slap. As in Wuthering Heights.

No need for added cowbell.

In honour of the she-wolf of Rome, foster mother of Romulus and Remus, this is the day of Lupercalia. The day when friends, Romans and countrymen ran about minus their pants, and women hid indoors- if they didn't want to become pregnant by means of sympathetic magic...or other, more mundane means.

Seasons Don't Fear The Reaper
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My romance hero is a plumber. The likeness of his suicide twin brother is tattooed on his muscled right bicep. He says it was addiction that got the boy. He races sports cars in Spain. There in his dead brother 's car he hit a wall. Broke his neck but took the ferry back home with what was left of the silver corvette before going to emergency. He doesn't smash things but puts them back together. Magically, with the wave of a wrench, he can make the water go where it is supposed to when it has broken covenant with the rules of plumbing. He comes up with ingenious solutions for broken pipes under maple wood flooring. A hero for our times.
A Wizard of Water. A mender, except that he smashed his own 'pipe'/neck with a brother already dead. A hero, broken while out of his true element. The folie a deux could be twins.

The Krays, Ronnie mad, Reggie too weak to withstand him, the one person who maybe could.

A twist on the mutual destruction of the classic folie a deux: Wuthering Heights, Romeo and Juliet, MacBeth and Lady Macbeth, Tristan and Isolde, Gwynhevar and Lancelot.
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My romance hero is a plumber. The likeness of his suicide twin brother is tattooed on his muscled right bicep. He says it was addiction that got the boy. He races sports cars in Spain. There in his dead brother 's car he hit a wall. Broke his neck but took the ferry back home with what was left of the silver corvette before going to emergency. He doesn't smash things but puts them back together. Magically, with the wave of a wrench, he can make the water go where it is supposed to when it has broken covenant with the rules of plumbing. He comes up with ingenious solutions for broken pipes under maple wood flooring. A hero for our times.
So, a really Super Mario?
A Wizard of Water. A mender, except that he smashed his own 'pipe'/neck with a brother already dead. A hero, broken while out of his true element. The folie a deux could be twins.

The Krays, Ronnie mad, Reggie too weak to withstand him, the one person who maybe could.

A twist on the mutual destruction of the classic folie a deux: Wuthering Heights, Romeo and Juliet, MacBeth and Lady Macbeth, Tristan and Isolde, Gwynhevar and Lancelot.
What a jazz riff. Love it!
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