
Thought For The Day

The real secret in....
The real secret in writing a novel is to keep inside of your action all the time like a horse. Don’t let the damned horse run away on you when you...

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  • Good Day
    Birdsong melded with forest fragrance . butterflies danced the exuberance of life . while I sipped C ...
  • Think Like A Reader
    I always find Beta reading such a great opportunity to learn. I discover things that I’m sure I do ...
  • What’s the deal?
    My experience with deal sites. This one is for the writers. Last week, I ran a promotion for my nove ...
  • Padre Pio and I
    I’ve always had a sense of affinity with the Mystic Padre Pio and the fact that he was born the sa ...
  • Writing ‘Rules’
    Don’t Start with a Character Waking Up, Looking in the Mirror, or with a Hangover On Pop-Up Submis ...


Fanfare! Pleased To Announce A Major Deal...
Fabulous!! Great work Michelle, great sell Peter!
Fanfare! Award finalist (x3!)
Well done! :clinking-glasses:
Fanfare! Double win for a Pop-ups panellist!
He was always a very supportive panellist. Good on him. :clapping-hands:
Fanfare! God Save the Queen
Great stuff, well done Terry!
Fanfare! Pizza Perfection? Time will tell
Very nice seems a perfect score. In Palermo we wanted to eat at a place where we always saw people. Finally a quiet evening and everything we...