This is the promised sticky thread asking for your thoughts, suggestions and criticisms (yes, really!) about the look and feel of the Colony and what you’d like to see improved.
I’ll be paying close attention to the thread and will try wherever feasible to implement every reasonable suggestion.
For example, one suggestion that’s already been made concerns the availability of a dark theme for the Colony. While some browsers (e.g. Firefox) will allow you to select a dark theme on any website you visit, others don’t. Websites with dark themes are easier on your eyes… and you’ll be seeing that option available in the Colony soon.
Another issue raised by a number of members is the difficulty of easily finding the forum you're looking for on our home page. As the Colony has grown, new areas have emerged like some torrid tsunamigenetic manifestation (apologies, I just wanted to use that word once). If you have thoughts about the orderly restructuring of our all-important home page, please do let’s have them.
I’ll keep this thread open for the next ten days or two weeks, so please pitch in straight away!
I’ll be paying close attention to the thread and will try wherever feasible to implement every reasonable suggestion.
For example, one suggestion that’s already been made concerns the availability of a dark theme for the Colony. While some browsers (e.g. Firefox) will allow you to select a dark theme on any website you visit, others don’t. Websites with dark themes are easier on your eyes… and you’ll be seeing that option available in the Colony soon.
Another issue raised by a number of members is the difficulty of easily finding the forum you're looking for on our home page. As the Colony has grown, new areas have emerged like some torrid tsunamigenetic manifestation (apologies, I just wanted to use that word once). If you have thoughts about the orderly restructuring of our all-important home page, please do let’s have them.
I’ll keep this thread open for the next ten days or two weeks, so please pitch in straight away!