This is bad news for writers.

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Pamela Jo

Full Member
Oct 26, 2021
Wexford, Ireland
As Pete says the best way a new writer can actually make money is by a media deal. The last writers strike killed a lot of careers and the golden goose -not sure this is going to have a better outcome. I don't know how we make more money wo some kind of union. How do you have a union wo a few people controlling more than they should? Maybe have a union that anyone can join who pays dues and the dues are reasonable? That would make a union expansive enough to maybe actually choke off the supply of ideas and have an effect. Otherwise who isn't going to seize an opportunty rather than protect those who already have theirs?

this looks really interesting -- what exactly is a writer's strike, though? i've looked it up and i'm thinking it means the writers of TV shows/movies/other media. so, if that were the case, it would basically mean us writers refusing any possible media deals, therefore preventing streaming companies to produce new content and causing them to crash financially? please tell me if i'm understanding this right (tiny teenage brain up here), because if so, this sounds like it would effect EVERYONE.
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