Several years ago:
An agent after hearing my pitch for a novel.
"I really like the sound of that, can you send me something?"
*I send 3 chapters with full story breakdown (as requested) and I wait two weeks*
PING! email from agent: "It's a really commercial idea and I can definitely sell it for you. Perhaps we change X Y & Z to R S & T and it's game on."
*Spend four months rewriting and making alterations (we swap some emails during this period) and I then send back the fully overhauled MS*
PING! email later same day: "Looks great, I will be back to you as soon as I can with my notes."
I guess she must be quite busy currently

Since then not even a polite "
Sorry, but this sucks even more than a hosepipe emptying a septic tank."
Reluctantly I was forced to accept I must have turned a promising elegant swan into a turkey - but she'd already read first three chapters and professed to have really liked them and the overall concept..
I was baffled. Still am. I thought I might've deserved the soft let-down at the very least. Ah well.
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