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May 5, 2018
Welcome to the therapeutic thread for authors seeking to draw the sting of their latest rejection with silly salutes of the pictorial or gif variety.

Please add your own, if you feel the need for a collective HONK in commemoration.

I'll start.

My YA psychological mystery/thriller failed to trouble the longlist in Guppy Books' annual open submissions. I got some lovely feedback, but it's still a rejection. *sigh*

I recently got a rejection for a #PitMad submission, with more of the empty platitudes I hate so much. "You just hop right into the story! You don't give me any backstory, so I have no reason to care about what's happening!"

...f(BLEEP!)king what?!

"Also, there's too much going on, and it's too confusing!"

...two characters are introduced sitting in a car. It's established they are following a lead in a series of kidnappings. They leave the car and go inside a nearby bar. How is that "too much going on"?!

And of course, the BS platitude at the end: "This will find a home, just not with us! You have talent! Keep writing!"

Oh, yeah? If I have so much talent and it's sure to work, why the hell don't you want to print it and make money? F(BLEEP!)k.

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Several years ago:
An agent after hearing my pitch for a novel.
"I really like the sound of that, can you send me something?"
*I send 3 chapters with full story breakdown (as requested) and I wait two weeks*
PING! email from agent: "It's a really commercial idea and I can definitely sell it for you. Perhaps we change X Y & Z to R S & T and it's game on."
*Spend four months rewriting and making alterations (we swap some emails during this period) and I then send back the fully overhauled MS*
PING! email later same day: "Looks great, I will be back to you as soon as I can with my notes."
I guess she must be quite busy currently ;)
Since then not even a polite "Sorry, but this sucks even more than a hosepipe emptying a septic tank."
Reluctantly I was forced to accept I must have turned a promising elegant swan into a turkey - but she'd already read first three chapters and professed to have really liked them and the overall concept..
I was baffled. Still am. I thought I might've deserved the soft let-down at the very least. Ah well.

giphy rachel.gif
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She might come back, but meantime, you pulled your finger out, and now you're ready to try somewhere else, and she provided that spur at least. If she comes back too late, 'oh dear, how sad, never mind'.....
CONFARTULATIONS to @Lex Black and @Jonny

I had my least favourite three rejections printed on cushion covers.

"I did like it... I just didn't like it enough" – my all-time pet hate – is sat on every day on my typing chair.

"An intriguing premise... but it didn't feel quite right for us" and
There was much to admire.. but we didn't feel strongly enough to offer" are punched, kicked and hurled across the room every now and then.

I recommend it.
Upwards and onwards T. In the meantime have a Rachel and maybe a cuppa & choccy bikke

My turn to get the notice of failure to formalise an acceptance -- however, did get some good feedback. In a way, it's a good thing, 'cos now I can go back and read with better clarity, fill it out (taking into account the feedback) and publish at least one story this year. Maybe.
Anyway, I blow bubbles at myself as I sink under the warm water of the bath, watching the full moon float past the skylight, dreaming of the next step.
My turn to get the notice of failure to formalise an acceptance -- however, did get some good feedback. In a way, it's a good thing, 'cos now I can go back and read with better clarity, fill it out (taking into account the feedback) and publish at least one story this year. Maybe.
Anyway, I blow bubbles at myself as I sink under the warm water of the bath, watching the full moon float past the skylight, dreaming of the next step.
I don’t know how to attach the raspberry gifs but I’d send you one if i could. Good description though....
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