Help Please! Readers Needed for Pop-Up Submissions!

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Capo Famiglia
Full Member
May 19, 2014
London UK
I’d like to recruit a panel of readers, please, who would be prepared to read (and record) submissions for Pop-Ups. It would be nice to get a small panel of different voices together.

Each submission is a maximum of 700 words, and takes 3 – 4 minutes to read. I would send you one or two submissions to record during the week before the Sunday show, so you’d have 3 or 4 days to record it.

I can give any tech assistance necessary in recording, it’s actually quite easy. Do give it a go if you’re not quite sure… you’ll enjoy it!
I'm not sure how great my Russian accent is... or my North Sea/Norwegian one for that matter :D

And I have an Irish accent, although at a push I can do a rather good Anglo-Irish one. Joking aside, I would tentatively say yes, but I think there are probably more eloquent Litopians out there...!
Me? Nooooooo ( looking shifty)

Once went up. Grandad was in charge of reading the story, where had he got to? Asleep, he was. Snoring slumped across the bed, Grandad asleep and my two year old daughter, bolt upright in bed, wide eyed.
Thanks, Rich. I'll certainly explore Katie-Ellen's suggestion. If you would like to read the remainder of the chapter it is currently available on wattpad. If you Google A NIGHT OUT IN WHITECHAPEL - davidweller06 - Wattpad you will find the link.
I really enjoyed reading it @Geoff! It was incredibly "readable" :) I read a lot to my kids, and finding something that you enjoy reading isn't always easy! Well done, hope I'll get a signed copy of the published version
Heh, 20 years of being a broadcaster, still not fed up of the sound of my own voice... (probably a good job, given my job).
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