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Please Put Your Hands Together For… Rich!

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Capo Famiglia
Full Member
May 19, 2014
London UK
If you’ve been here for a little time, you will have come across @Rich. (note the full stop, please). He has been a Guardian of the Colony for longer than I care to remember. His patient and calming presence has soothed no end of potentially troublesome moments. His quiet diplomacy has de-escalated issues before they became problems. He has been an all-round boon to the Colony and everyone here.

After spending longer as a Guardian than I think almost anyone else ever has, he has finally decided that it is time, and I quote, “to be a normal member again”.

I’d like to deeply and sincerely thank Rich for everything he’s done for our little community. He has tirelessly spent many hours here, often working behind the scenes, making sure that Litopia’s unique atmosphere stays special.

As a way of marking Rich’s contribution to the Colony, I’ve created a new rank – Emeritus – that you will shortly see displayed under Rich’s name. This is a permanent upgrade, as well as being a nice way to publicly mark his lasting contribution here.

Feel free to add your own comments below, and make him blush a bit!
Thank you for being a Guardian, @Rich. And a superb one at that. You supported us tirelessly (and sometimes at weird hours) with your wisdom, with your understanding, with your humanity, and with your humour. The list could go on. I was always able count on you. I will miss you behind the scenes. But, but, but we've made friends in the process of guarding this lovely place, and for that I count myself very blessed. I'm honoured to be able to call you my friend, my Amigo.

See you in Cafe Life as a 'normal member', no, as an Emeritus member. (A lovely title, and gesture @AgentPete)
Here's hoping the world treats you as well as you've treated your minions here. We love ya, Rich, and I hope you're looking forward to getting some story words out into the world soon. We'll be here to hinder, harass, and hover -- ummm, help, advise, comment.
Ah, @Rich. I've always felt a particular connection with you, thanks to the shared Bristol/broadcasting/Spain/fantasy-appreciation/sound equipment geekdom of our backgrounds...you've been a superb guardian and can take your retirement from the role secure in the knowledge that your work here has been greatly appreciated by all of us.

Emeritus Litopian is a well-deserved badge of honour and I hope you'll be popping back in for general chat and the occasional reading.

Cheers, Rich! :clapping-hands: :):rainbow:
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We'll miss you @Rich. and the emeritus handle is well deserved. Although it's only been a very short time I have found your help and input behind the scenes invaluable.

I do hope you won't be a stranger and that we'll still see your calming influence in and around the forums. And also let's hope those dulcet tones will pop up (hey do you see what I did there?) from time to time on Sunday afternoons.

Best wishes and well done on a great job! :clapping-hands::clapping-hands::clapping-hands:
As a way of marking Rich’s contribution to the Colony, I’ve created a new rank – Emeritus – that you will shortly see displayed under Rich’s name. This is a permanent upgrade, as well as being a nice way to publicly mark his lasting contribution here.
Thank you so much, Pete. I'm really touched. Text on a screen can't do justice to how this makes me feel. It's been a pleasure and an honour (a word I don't use lightly) to be part of the crew here. And rest assured, I'm not about to disappear (though with that title you've given me, I may have to invest in some elbow pads and a pipe). :)

Thanks, Lex!

Thank you for being a Guardian, @Rich. And a superb one at that. You supported us tirelessly (and sometimes at weird hours) with your wisdom, with your understanding, with your humanity, and with your humour. The list could go on. I was always able count on you. I will miss you behind the scenes. But, but, but we've made friends in the process of guarding this lovely place, and for that I count myself very blessed. I'm honoured to be able to call you my friend, my Amigo.
I can't even reply to this one. I'm gonna cry. Amigos for life :heart:

Thanks @Rich.! It has been a pleasure to be under your guardianship. :) See you around!
And it's been a pleasure to critique your work, Robinne. One of yours was the first piece I ever read here. :)

We’ve missed you @Rich. Especially your readings
Thanks, Georgina, you're very kind! :)

@Rich- It was wonderful when you read my submission in pop-up. That was my first exposure to you, and it's funny how I felt you were kind just from that. I can tell you're the sort who respects. Hope to run into you often in the forums and elsewhere in Litopia World. Thank you!
Thank you, Victoria, Exili was great fun to read! You'll definitely see me around. :)

Thanks @Rich. As a new member, I've appreciated the guidance of the Guardians :)
Glad to hear it. @Barbara and @Jonny are pros! :)

:clinking-glasses:Ode to Rich, Guardian Emeritus:clapping-hands:

There was a young fella named Rich
A guardian with ne'er asmuch asa a glitch,
With his wisdom and wit,
he was a terrific hit,
And hopefully forgiving of poeticallyshite kitsch.
Ah shite, away with you now. I'm fit to blushing, I am. (I'd forgive you anything, Emily :clinking-beer-mugs:) :shortcake:

Well done, and congratulations, Rich! Good to know we'll still see you around!
Thanks, Geraldine, you certainly will! :)

Well deserved! Thanks for all your work behind the scenes—along with your suberb narrating and beta reading :)
Cheers, Nikky, and thanks for letting me beta read for you. Bring on the Rarkyn's publication! :clinking-glasses::)

Here's hoping the world treats you as well as you've treated your minions here. We love ya, Rich, and I hope you're looking forward to getting some story words out into the world soon. We'll be here to hinder, harass, and hover -- ummm, help, advise, comment.
Thanks, Cage! You, above all, have kept me grammatically, syntactically and wordastically straight. I know we see the structure of things through the same set of lenses. Your comments on my guff writing are always welcome! :)

Thanks @Rich. for your super and kind welcome to the colony and your great input. Super to hear you're sticking around Emeritus-ly. I'm looking forward to your historical fiction novel btw - still remember using the shields to get across the river. Keep us posted. :)
Thanks, Hannah! I will keep you posted. It's a slow-burn project, but the words are trickling out. The horns of war are calling... :)

Ah, @Rich. I've always felt a particular connection with you, thanks to the shared Bristol/broadcasting/Spain/fantasy-appreciation/sound equipment geekdom of our backgrounds...you've been a superb guardian and can take your retirement from the role secure in the knowledge that your work here has been greatly appreciated by all of us.
Thanks, Kate, that means a lot, and the feeling of connection is mutual. Cue 90s festival anthems... :clinking-beer-mugs::D

Happy "Guardian" Retirement @Rich. I bet you are taken up with your new activity- voice recording books! We egged you on to do it... Good luck and thank you for the time you spent in sorting us lot out! :D :clapping-hands:
Thanks, Eva! I have to say that everything except my writing is on hold at the mo' as family is keeping me busy, but that's not a bad thing. Thanks again! :)

We'll miss you @Rich. and the emeritus handle is well deserved. Although it's only been a very short time I have found your help and input behind the scenes invaluable.

I do hope you won't be a stranger and that we'll still see your calming influence in and around the forums. And also let's hope those dulcet tones will pop up (hey do you see what I did there?) from time to time on Sunday afternoons.
*ba dum tsccch!* I saw what you did there! :D Cheers, Jonny. I won't be a stranger. And it's good to know that Litopia's guardianship is in safe hands ;):clinking-beer-mugs::)


Wow, thanks to all of you. I'm really choked up. I tell you, this place is pure magic when it comes to energizing a writer. Even though I've stepped down from staff duties, I'll still be around. The Colony is too good a place to leave. I may be quieter than in past times, but I'm not going anywhere. And I'll be surfing this thread's wave for weeks, and no mistake!

Are you feeling the love? Man, I'm drowning in it. :heart::heart::heart::D
Emeritus? What the hell, Lord Rich it is for me. When I joined Litopia I was floundering and lots of people helped me but if there was one person who set me on the right path it was you, my Lord :) I mean that and one day I will buy you all the beers I owe you. You are the man!!!
Thanks for a stellar job @Rich. :glowing-star: May you enjoy your "retirement" with a beer :beer-mug: :D
Beers all round, I think :clinking-beer-mugs: Thanks, Rach! :)

Emeritus? What the hell, Lord Rich it is for me. When I joined Litopia I was floundering and lots of people helped me but if there was one person who set me on the right path it was you, my Lord :) I mean that and one day I will buy you all the beers I owe you. You are the man!!!
Talk about making me blush. Thanks, Steve. It was a real pleasure to help out on Broken Fingers. Thanks for being open to my endless niggles. :) :clinking-beer-mugs:

Rich - as if you didn’t realise it before, you are a LEGEND!! Now go and have a lie down...
I am Leg End. They hold me up while I do the writing. Thanks, Andy, I think I'll have that lie down now. :)


You're all brilliant, you know that don't you?
Enjoy your retirement @Rich. Are you planning to spend more time with your writing?
Thanks, Paul! That's exactly what I'm planning, yes. Family life has recently taken a few sharp turns (all is well-ish), and most of my time these days is taken up with the kids, which is basically the reason for my stepping down as a Guardian, but the free time I have will now be all about the words. :)
Thanks, Paul! That's exactly what I'm planning, yes. Family life has recently taken a few sharp turns (all is well-ish), and most of my time these days is taken up with the kids, which is basically the reason for my stepping down as a Guardian, but the free time I have will now be all about the words. :)
When are you doing an audiobook of your own story? After several months of narrating and mastering I feel lonely in my misery! :confused:
That's a good question! I have a novel in the drawer that keeps tempting me to record it, but I'm resisting at the moment. Over the coming days I'll try and catch up on your threads about your recording adventures. Let's see if we can't cure some of that loneliness. :)
Great to see so many well-deserved accolades here @Rich. (full point noted... :D ). I must add my own to them – you've been a Great Guardian. And your incisive comments on my work have been more than appreciated – definitely made it stronger. Thank you! Look forward to seeing your Emeritusness around the Colony. :)
What a tsunami of appreciation; so well deserved, Rich. I' delighted you're not going anywhere other than sideways, Sire. Many thanks for your time and work, selflessly given.
Great to see so many well-deserved accolades here @Rich. (full point noted... :D ). I must add my own to them – you've been a Great Guardian. And your incisive comments on my work have been more than appreciated – definitely made it stronger. Thank you! Look forward to seeing your Emeritusness around the Colony. :)
Thanks Ancora! I will be emeritusing colonially forthwith. :)

What a tsunami of appreciation; so well deserved, Rich. I' delighted you're not going anywhere other than sideways, Sire. Many thanks for your time and work, selflessly given.
Thanks Ali, the tsunami has thoroughly swept me away! :)
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