Pets who "help" us write

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Can't say that currently I do. However, my daughter, who is an artist actually has a tortie and white cat, as well as a dog. (He's not a tortie & white) :D

Kitty has tortie and calico in her, we think. :) She was a rescue cat that Nicole and her house mates in college brought from a shelter about four years ago. When Nicole moved out of that house, she took Kitty with her, and now of course Nicole has graduated, is home, and Kitty is part of our household. :)
Antoine provides lots of developmental editing assistance, especially with my current WIP set in New Orleans. He's no help with line edits though...

(Jean Paul Sartre and his cat Nothing.)

Authors like cats because they are such quiet, lovable, wise creatures, and cats like authors for the same reasons.
Robertson Davies

He also observed something about cats, which could apply to writers as well!

The great charm of cats is their rampant egotism, their devil may care attitude toward responsibility, and their disinclination to earn an honest dollar.

(Jean Paul Sartre and his cat Nothing.)

Authors like cats because they are such quiet, lovable, wise creatures, and cats like authors for the same reasons.
Robertson Davies

He also observed something about cats, which could apply to writers as well!

The great charm of cats is their rampant egotism, their devil may care attitude toward responsibility, and their disinclination to earn an honest dollar.
What a pretty cat! :)
By "help" do you mean "sleep"? That's what mine do... (Anastacia left and Bagheera right)

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Toby and Isidore "Izzy" also 'help' in this respect quite effectively:
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Kitty wants to help me write the next Weathermen book. What do you think? Anyone else have a pet that "helps" them write? Let's share some pics. :)

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Though mainly they just do whatever the hell this is:

And other times, they help me to not write and watch TV instead!
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Ah! Cute kitten overload! Thanks guys. I now miss my kitties uncontrollably but I still have about 4 hours before I get to go home and smother them with hugs and kisses *sigh*
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