Open House for submissions at United Agents in the UK

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Nov 6, 2014
Open House represent some very big hitters in the UK authors market.

They are having an open house for the first 3 chapters and synopsis for submissions. The dates are -

Crime fiction - Monday 8
Commercial fiction - Monday 15
Literary fiction - Monday 22

Full details on their website here - Open House | United Agents

Good luck if you submit and I am happy to receive a (large) commission if you are successful!
Thanks for posting this. I've been sitting on the manuscript of my second first novel for six months, so will try querying on Monday 8th with my crime novel. After spending five solid months in 2015 querying 160 literary agents with my original first novel (which was double the acceptable length for a debut), I grew weary of the process.

I'm a bit doubtful of submitting to a giant corporation like United Agents, as it makes me feel like an amoeba trying to attract the attention of a brontosaurus. They were one of 100 agencies who 'replied' by ignoring my query. Smaller literary agencies are more open minded, prepared to take risks and courteous. All of the six personalised rejection letters I had were from small agencies, a couple offering me really useful advice. I guess that being hugely successful means you need never be polite ever again.
Good luck with the submission @Paul Whybrow - the truth is none of us will ever be any more than an amoeba attracting the attention of a brontosaurus. I could say more but it will truly be just too depressing...
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