
  1. Katie-Ellen

    Finding the right agent. Tried this approach?

    Just seen on twitter. 'I need an agent for my second book. My first book is - (title inserted with link) Please email me.' I guess it might hinge on that inserted first title. 285 tweets Following 25 accounts Followed by 5 accounts.
  2. Katie-Ellen

    Craft Chat The Log Line

    Interview with agent at Curtis Brown; Catherine Cho. She says you need to work out your log-line. This is the central thesis, showing you know what your story is really about.
  3. David Newrick

    Open House for submissions at United Agents in the UK

    Open House represent some very big hitters in the UK authors market. They are having an open house for the first 3 chapters and synopsis for submissions. The dates are - Crime fiction - Monday 8 Commercial fiction - Monday 15 Literary fiction - Monday 22 Full details on their website here -...
  4. Katie-Ellen

    Agent says now is the rise again of the debut author

    Karolina Sutton at Curtis Brown says HERE that five years ago it was all BRAND, BRAND, BRAND, does this writer have a BRAND? But she says, there is a shift in the wind again...if a Manuscript is wonderful enough. Tally ho. Make it wonderful ... and unique. What could be easier? *cough* says...
  5. Chase Gamwell

    Have you ever accidentally submitted a query?

    So here's a funny story...I accidentally submitted a query to an agent today. A lot of times, when I get bored, I'll go looking for agents that I would like to eventually represent my stories/books. I'll do lots of research on the agent and put together something to submit to them. I have an...
  6. Nicole Wilson

    Querying Is A Long Game

    I found a wonderful article on querying agents. Basically, querying is a long game. She advises not to give up until you've queried 80-100 agents. You have to stick with it to see results. Don't get discouraged early on; keep trekking. :)...