
  1. AgentPete

    Service Update One Perfect Sentence Closes Soon – Enter & Vote!

    Just a reminder that this months inaugural One Perfect Sentence contest closes soon – you will find an exact countdown timer on the Colony’s home page, at the top of the right-hand column. The contest has been designed to be… Easy on your writing schedule – one sentence being less...
  2. AgentPete

    Service Update The One Perfect Sentence Contest Has Started…

    ...over here, in a new section. Have a go! It’s the antidote to all other writing contests (you’ll enjoy it a lot more!). So now it's started – you need to start to play around with the voting. Everyone so far has been awfully restrained and hasn’t voted… that’s got to change! I did say in the...
  3. Pamela Jo

    Craft Chat BPA Pitch contest

    BPA has offered me value for money in the past when I played for an editorial read. Prices seem a bit higher... but I got nuts and bolts advice-no being nice because you are paying for this. What I would have gotten from an agent, I think.