New to Litopia

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Aug 24, 2018
Hello, pleased to join Litopia. I live between the Apuan Alps and the Tyrrhenian Sea where I write historical fiction (mainly) and get homesick for Ireland (sometimes)
I'm on the south Kildare/Laois border, I write speculative fiction and MG fiction, and am an artist too :)
Hi Katherine!

Gosh, you are in a beautiful part of the world.

But gorgeous landscapes aren't an antidote to homesickness, are they?

That said, living "abroad" can really invigorate the creative spirit... (maybe that's the antidote to homesickness...?)
Hi Katherine, welcome aboard! :) What period/s of history do you like to write about?
I need a geography lesson: where are the Apuan Alps and where is the Tyrrhenian Sea? They sound like a wonderful Shakesperean concoction (but I'm sure they exist). I live between the M25 motorway and the London Underground railway which doesn't quite have the same ring, but inspiration can come from the strangest places...

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