New Literary Agent: Laura Mamelok of Susanna Lea Associates

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They don't accept sci-fi — that doesn't bode well for fantasy, but do you suppose they classify fantasy as a sub-genre of sci-fi in the speculative fiction sense? I'm thinking probably so.

EDIT — that is the agency guidelines. Her own says nothing about it, so I'm giving it a try. "The water does not flow until the faucet is turned on," and all that.
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They don't accept sci-fi — that doesn't bode well for fantasy, but do you suppose they classify fantasy as a sub-genre of sci-fi in the speculative fiction sense? I'm thinking probably so.

That's really weird that they don't have specific agent information or info on what they ARE looking for. I wouldn't assume that if they don't want sci-fi, they don't want fantasy. Lord of the Rings and Terminator are very different :) I would submit to them anyway.
That's really weird that they don't have specific agent information or info on what they ARE looking for. I wouldn't assume that if they don't want sci-fi, they don't want fantasy. Lord of the Rings and Terminator are very different :) I would submit to them anyway.
That's what I figured. The worst they can say is no. And she's a new agent — maybe not set in her ways as to what she does or doesn't want, anyway.
That's a bit odd, how is she a new agent, if she joined the agency in 2009?? It doesn't look good for fantasy, but as you say it can't hurt to try especially when they aren't too specific ;)
That's a bit odd, how is she a new agent, if she joined the agency in 2009?? It doesn't look good for fantasy, but as you say it can't hurt to try especially when they aren't too specific ;)
Well, it's one of five query letters I've sent off today, anyway, and one thank you for a rejection letter I got back. It'll be easy to thank her for her consideration, as well.
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