Gads I rather hate twitter, I really really don't get it. Two lines and that's all you can write? But I have it, and I linked it to my Facebook author page. But numbers of 'Likes' on facebook is actually falling because fakebook now deletes peoples likes, if they don't interact with the page. It's a lot of work, and blogging is even more. I'd rather be writing, than spending all my time chasing these ideas. If you follow 10% of the ideas on that interesting link, just when are you going to have time to write that story? Then, oh no, there's shopping to do, trips to doctors and hospitals.... well you know what I mean.
In the end I guess it's the usual story, it comes back to balance. You have to choose what you can, and want to do. I'll go for writing, and what I can manage, doubt anyone is really different.