Book Marketing Ideas - tried any of these

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I have used several of these: I have a Facebook page specifically for my author profile, I used Goodreads all the time and am registered as an author, I've done Facebook promotions for my page, I have an author website I keep very up to date (I'm on it at least once a week) with a blog, and I do have business cards with my website, email, Facebook, and Twitter profiles on it that I hand out. I don't have much audience engagement yet-- mostly friends-- but it's definitely a start. I think it also helps to have a book out there. :)
Great publicity ideas, Emurelda! It is definitely a full-time job.

Good point, Nicole — you can't really publicize your book until it's available, and by the time it's available you want to have your publicity already thoroughly distributed. Somewhere in there is an exact point at which to strike, but I'm not sure exactly where. I don't even want to bother with putting up a website saying, "I have a book, but you can't read it. Stay tuned!"
Good point, Nicole — you can't really publicize your book until it's available, and by the time it's available you want to have your publicity already thoroughly distributed. Somewhere in there is an exact point at which to strike, but I'm not sure exactly where. I don't even want to bother with putting up a website saying, "I have a book, but you can't read it. Stay tuned!"

True, the website couldn't be as extensive, but apparently blogs are important (*gag*) and you could include a blurb about your books, maybe keep it updated with your progress, etc. That's what I do.
Personally, I really enjoy web design so it was kind of my excuse to build my own website. But I have seen agents say that a website is a good thing. Just a thought.
True, the website couldn't be as extensive, but apparently blogs are important (*gag*) and you could include a blurb about your books, maybe keep it updated with your progress, etc. That's what I do.
I'm thinking that the second I receive interest from an agent in the manuscript, it will be time to start constructing an online presence.
I'm thinking that the second I receive interest from an agent in the manuscript, it will be time to start constructing an online presence.

Agents do like to see an already established online presence (it shows them you're willing to put in marketing work); however, I've also been told that, unless it's a couple thousand followers/likes, it doesn't really matter either way. *sigh*
Agents do like to see an already established online presence (it shows them you're willing to put in marketing work); however, I've also been told that, unless it's a couple thousand followers/likes, it doesn't really matter either way. *sigh*
So you need an agent to get a publisher to publish your book, and you need a website with a thousand followers to get an agent, but you need a published book to get a website with a thousand followers.

Yep, we go around in circles...
Mind you, I do rather like the suggestion, "Create a fan page for your main Character." I wonder what Ceridwen thinks of that? Actually I know. She doesn't care less. lol ;)
So you need an agent to get a publisher to publish your book, and you need a website with a thousand followers to get an agent, but you need a published book to get a website with a thousand followers.

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It took a while but i built up a following of over 1,000 twitterers (?). Start now and people will follow you. I admit i needed someone to take me through it then it clicked ;)
Also LinkedIn is quite good for connecting with colleagues you know and mutual acquaintances.

Book groups can be joined too no different to forums. But not as great as here :)
There are lots of sites like this where you have an immediate following just because we know you. :D
Gads I rather hate twitter, I really really don't get it. Two lines and that's all you can write? But I have it, and I linked it to my Facebook author page. But numbers of 'Likes' on facebook is actually falling because fakebook now deletes peoples likes, if they don't interact with the page. It's a lot of work, and blogging is even more. I'd rather be writing, than spending all my time chasing these ideas. If you follow 10% of the ideas on that interesting link, just when are you going to have time to write that story? Then, oh no, there's shopping to do, trips to doctors and hospitals.... well you know what I mean.
In the end I guess it's the usual story, it comes back to balance. You have to choose what you can, and want to do. I'll go for writing, and what I can manage, doubt anyone is really different. ;)
Yep, we go around in circles...
Mind you, I do rather like the suggestion, "Create a fan page for your main Character." I wonder what Ceridwen thinks of that? Actually I know. She doesn't care less. lol ;)

And the create your character page is good for a couple reasons: shows your characters to interact with your fans where you might not get to, and you control it. It's very possible that a fan might create a page for your character, and others will follow that thinking it's run by the author. In itself, that's not a bad thing, but then you can't control what goes on the page. You potentially could lose followers based on bad things that page posts.
And the create your character page is good for a couple reasons: shows your characters to interact with your fans where you might not get to, and you control it. It's very possible that a fan might create a page for your character, and others will follow that thinking it's run by the author. In itself, that's not a bad thing, but then you can't control what goes on the page. You potentially could lose followers based on bad things that page posts.

It's a good idea. Again time is an issue and the realisation that we can't control everything about our work is best adopted now than later.
It took a while but i built up a following of over 1,000 twitterers (?). Start now and people will follow you. I admit i needed someone to take me through it then it clicked ;)

Jealous! I'm lucky to have 70 on a regular basis. Facebook is better: I've got about 350, but I've had to spend money on campaigns for that.
Jealous! I'm lucky to have 70 on a regular basis. Facebook is better: I've got about 350, but I've had to spend money on campaigns for that.

Never spend money. Pointless leave it to grow organically.

I make it a rule to always follow those who follow me and to keep me humble to follow more people than follow me. Does that make sense lol!
Gads I rather hate twitter, I really really don't get it. Two lines and that's all you can write? But I have it, and I linked it to my Facebook author page. But numbers of 'Likes' on facebook is actually falling because fakebook now deletes peoples likes, if they don't interact with the page. It's a lot of work, and blogging is even more. I'd rather be writing, than spending all my time chasing these ideas. If you follow 10% of the ideas on that interesting link, just when are you going to have time to write that story? Then, oh no, there's shopping to do, trips to doctors and hospitals.... well you know what I mean.
In the end I guess it's the usual story, it comes back to balance. You have to choose what you can, and want to do. I'll go for writing, and what I can manage, doubt anyone is really different. ;)

I don't know that Facebook is deleting likes, but they are definitely showing less of your content to people who don't interact with the page frequently.
Never spend money. Pointless leave it to grow organically.

I make it a rule to always follow those who follow me and to keep me humble to follow more people than follow me.

I don't think it's pointless. Of the 250 I gained from the promotions, only a handful unliked and now I have a couple regular visitors. I tried letting it grow organically, but it would take years (or a published book *sigh*) to get 250 new likes.
Well, create the page yourself. I don't think I'd fancy someone else creating it. Oddly, recently a friend of a friend commented on one of my not so recent posts on my author page, a poem/story from a novel and asked who the gorgeous woman was!? I mean, it's a made up picture set in the 16th century. But the face is actually of Eve Miles. ;)
I don't think it's pointless. Of the 250 I gained from the promotions, only a handful unliked and now I have a couple regular visitors. I tried letting it grow organically, but it would take years (or a published book) to get 250 new likes.

Oops i read it wrong...i thought you wrote not spent money! Skimming suicide :oops:
It is a fact, Facebook is removing peoples 'Likes' if they don't interact with the Page. When they introduced that 'feature/fact', I immediately lost 3. I've shared that info on the page. It's not unlike them not showing you everything your friends post, all to do with how much their system has to handle... :rolleyes:
It is a fact, Facebook is removing peoples 'Likes' if they don't interact with the Page. When they introduced that 'feature/fact', I immediately lost 3. I've shared that info on the page. It's not unlike them not showing you everything your friends post, all to do with how much their system has to handle... :rolleyes:

Well that's certainly good to know. Grrrr...
When these limits are set by outside forces i just change tactic and have a facebook page for fans to have something if they want to find more stuff about the projects i am doing. So rather than aim at increasing followers i see it as a place for fans to find. It just lessens the stress of fighting a losing battle.

Though i have to say after joining a women's writers group on facebook they promote each other like no tomorrow following me on both fb and twitter. Over one day my twitter followers count accelerated to over 50 just because i was part of the group.
Trouble with linkedin is you need email addresses..however if you use your ipad you can just select the person to connect with bypassing the email route.
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