In case you were wondering what I've been up to (you weren't, but I can delude myself)... here it is.
"Book videos don't work" is the standard mantra in conventional publishing circles. And it's partly true - they mostly get tiny viewer numbers, e.g. mega-star Tom Hiddleston reading - 6k views, Ian McEwan a microscopic 171 views, and so on.
Well, we set out to explode that particular myth. See what you think - and please - SHARE it!
"Book videos don't work" is the standard mantra in conventional publishing circles. And it's partly true - they mostly get tiny viewer numbers, e.g. mega-star Tom Hiddleston reading - 6k views, Ian McEwan a microscopic 171 views, and so on.
Well, we set out to explode that particular myth. See what you think - and please - SHARE it!