
  1. Chase Gamwell

    Your genre

    I joined Litopia with a firm grasp on what I perceived my preferred genre to be - Science Fiction. Now that I'm part of a community that is helping me to grow and develop, I'm finding myself branching out into other genres and writing styles (thanks daily flash fiction!). This year, I decided...
  2. Chase Gamwell

    Top Three!

    I came up with this idea just a second ago thanks to @Nicole Wilson and @Jason Byrne. You can learn a lot about someone just by finding out a few tidbits of information you didn't know before. There are a ton of new people on the Litopia forums (myself included) and I figured it would be great...
  3. Jay Aitch

    Doubts, like louts, are all about.

    When working at editing and reworking your writing, does anyone else become overwhelmed with doubts that it is all tripe, balderdash and piffle, unreadable fluff?
  4. Chase Gamwell

    Fortune Fit for a Writer?

    For lunch today, I went to a Chinese Buffet. When the check came, so did this fortune: You will make many changes before settling satisfactorily. How fitting is that? (Totally happened...I promise...no, really...I attached a picture and everything...)