Rachel Caldecott
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  • Well, getting the kids to the UK has been more traumatic than anticipated. Son's computer was smashed, he arrived to a house devoid of life and furniture, and is having no luck finding work (thanks to covid) and is lonely & bored. Daughter is driving up with new boyfriend to face 2 weeks quarantine in UK. Worse is that the boyfriend turns out to be a control freak nut-job with serious OCD & anger issues.
    Do your best to keep an eye out for red flags..not easy, I know. Suggest your daughter reads some Holly Bourne (Places I've Cried In Public is a great read and also instructive). FX
    God, the endless worry of being a parent......:rolleyes:
    Rachel Caldecott
    Rachel Caldecott
    Luckily she never thought of this boy as a keeper. It is a relatively new relationship (she was with a lovely guy for about 3 years). But this guy will be moving to Canada and Flo is starting a degree in UK.
    Rachel Caldecott
    Rachel Caldecott
    Good reasons not to keep him: he doesn't believe in evolution, he thinks staring at the sun is good for you, masks make you sicker, etc. We discovered all this on the eve of their departure. Sigh. She only cried because he scared her. But she's put him straight, so all good now. I hope.
    My heart is breaking for my boy. Deposited him in the UK. The house is completely unfurnished and no other flatmates have arrived. It turns out to be in a different village on the wrong side of a busy duel carriageway to the university town. Buses are few and far between. The computer I shipped him from France was smashed on arrival and there are no jobs thanks to covid. He is not a happy bunny. Neither am I.
    Writing is on hold while I prepare to launch my children... both about to start uni in UK during pandemic. Travel complications on top of money worries and health concerns will make interesting memories one day.
    Working on building my author website (should have done it years ago). Got up to stick a pizza in the oven, but husband helps himself to the computer. So now I'm twiddling my thumbs waiting for him to get off. I might burn his pizza in revenge.
    A second teacher from the local lycée has phoned to asked whether they could base next year's English curriculum on my book!!! Of course, with my luck the school may never open again thanks to a certain virus. ;)
    We moved into this house in July 2003. The washing machine we'd brought with us was finally plumbed in that November. Until then I did all the laundry in the bath tub. Hot water to the kitchen was finally installed 8 months later (so July 2004). Yesterday, during lock down 2020, my kids, tired of seeing doing the dishes, bought me a dishwasher and my husband installed it. I don't know myself! I have time to do stuff.
    Frustrated that our only source of income (me working on street markets) had gone up the spout. The French government are giving payments of up to a max of 1500€. They will replace what your earned last March. Sadly, because of the Yellow Jackets, last March was terrible and I only earned 150€. It is hardly worth filling out the paper work.
    Rachel Caldecott
    Rachel Caldecott
    That doesn't exist in France. I've looked into the French social security situation but we need to be officially resident. They will only grant us residency after all this time (17 years) if we earn enough and don't need benefits. The problem is the same If we return to the UK. We couldn't access benefits for 6 months. So either way we're screwed unless I can write a best-seller :D
    Hannah F
    Hannah F
    Fill out the paperwork. Every penny is a penny. If you don't you'll be a penny short on something you need and wish you had.
    Steve C
    Steve C
    We were refunded our last electricity bill the other day by way of support. I spent it on beer because the Gov is talking of a ban on all alcohol sales over the upcoming Thai New Year celebrations which have in any case been banned.
    Confinement tidying... Going through the family archive, discovered that on 28 October 1974 my dad had been nominated for the Publisher of the Year Award. Who knew? Not me. Woops.
    Happy smile. I'm chuffed :) My son received this from one of this old teachers at Lycée:
    "I hope you and your family are doing fine in this strange context.

    I just wanted to let you know I have read your mum's book and really enjoyed it.
    Food for thought. I am even considering having some extracts studied by my future students.

    Please feel free to forward my message to your mum."
    I'm the same as you, and have no idea how these things work. But it strikes me as an opportunity. I remember when I went to college, we had literature classes and had to buy all the books for the class ourselves. But that was back in the 80s in the land of Cheese-with-holes. You could always discuss it with the teach. …..to be cont.
    cont…. The teach must understand you're an author who wants to make a living. Ask him/her how does they deal with other material. Or you could ring the school and ask who the buyer is, (they may have a budget) then ring the teacher, armed with info. But like I said, I don't know how it works. Hope something comes of it.
    Rachel Caldecott
    Rachel Caldecott
    Yeah, you are probably right. French schools are odd though. They have very rigid curriculums. I'm surprised he is daring enough to bring in non-standard texts. I'm very flattered. But you are right it is an opportunity. Anyway, I have time. It doesn't look as if he's talking about before September.
    Husband drove a friend to Montpellier on Tuesday to get a train back to UK. Friend now very sick with Coronavirus. Husband in his 70s with an existing lung condition. Humph. Not happy. Waiting to see what happens.
    Just had confirmation that both my kids will get maximum loans for university (fees and maintenance) now all we need to do is get rid of the pesky virus. Feeling very relieved. And on a booky note, my WIP is coming along very nicely.
    Frustrated with my son. Who has now announced he is going to travel to Austria to see his girlfriend (because her school has been closed). No argument seems to work. Sigh.
    When I said he might get stuck there, he said he'd quite enjoy that. When I asked how he'd feel if something happened to his dad in the meantime, he just shrugged and said (quite rightly) that there would be nothing he could do anyway.
    Hats off to Maria, our hostess at the Airbnb near Farnham we've had to cancel. Because Macron hasn't yet banned travel we weren't exactly covered by the exceptional circumstances policy of the company; So Maria refunded the money personally!
    Our flights to UK were booked for Monday 16th. Just heard from infectious disease doctor and our pharmacy, that France will be put under lock-down on Friday 13th. So . . . damn it!
    Rachel Caldecott
    Rachel Caldecott
    As far as I know, yes.
    E G Logan
    E G Logan
    Grab some masks if there are any. There soon won't be.
    I know exactly how you feel. I'm just waiting for BA to cancel my flights for early April, as I'm sure they will -- that'll be less admin than cancelling, myself, now. Even though I'm in quarantine and not going anywhere.
    RK Wallis
    RK Wallis
    While that's super annoying, I'm sure whoever you need to see will understand and you should get your money back from the flights, after all they're the ones cancelling, not you. Better you stay safe :heart:
    Turns out that I misread the Easyjet email. We can get to the UK, but getting back to France is trickier. Because the English are all cancelling their plans and the planes are virtually empty. But we will have fun causing a panic everywhere because Chris has a chronic cough (thanks to his profession). Expect interesting updates. Hope you all stay well and we are not really living in a Stephen King novel.
    E G Logan
    E G Logan
    My Japanese friend in London told me she is staying in with her cough in case some passing Londoner mistakes her for a "sick Chinese person" and beats her up!
    If is official. My daughter has got a place on a degree course for Illustration (without any paper qualifications, having dropped out of school aged 14). I am soooo happy! So both kids starting uni in the UK in September! (Dependent on money being found)
    Rachel Caldecott
    Rachel Caldecott
    We fall between everything. I'm hoping they will be considered British and get both sets of grants. But three years out of the country (France) while at uni will ruin their chances of French citizenship later. We applied more than 2 years ago for Stan's dual nationality and haven't heard.
    Robinne Weiss
    Robinne Weiss
    Congratulations! What a great opportunity for her! And good luck sorting all the messy details--never fun.
    Difficult. My sister recently got French nationality after 2 years waiting, working there self employed, longer than she ever lived in UK. What's the priority for your son and daughter...a way to Uni now in the UK, or easier French citizenship prospects for later? Apply for student finance now before your son's comes through. So you can apply in all good faith?
    Dear (but annoying) husband has not been growing his beard for nothing. He's been given a walk on part as a monk in the next Matt Damon film. He will have to have his head shaved, though. Hee hee!
    Looking for someone who knows about abseiling who can tell me if I've written rubbish or not. Relatively quickly if possible.
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    Nikky Lee
    Nikky Lee
    I have a few climbing friends I could potentially ask. How long is the piece/section you'd like them to look at?
    Alternatively, if you have particular questions in mind, I could ask and come back to you with their responses.
    Rachel Caldecott
    Rachel Caldecott
    Thanks. I'll send it as a message to you. It is only a short chapter.
    Steven Mathews
    Steven Mathews
    I didn/t see this earlier... If not too late I would be happy to take a look.
    Just picked up feed back for two WIPs from Grindstone. Both very positive. I'd also resubmitted the manuscript for the book I've just self published. Hmm, the feedback was better a year ago. It seems I've fiddled with it too much, trying to satisfy everyone who'd advised me. Lesson learned: I'm actually a better writer than I think I am and should be more courageous.
    Me trying to work. Hubby watching TV one meter away. Cat under my desk with such bad breath I might puke. Not a good morning, muse or not.
    Rachel Caldecott
    Rachel Caldecott
    You come here dear, and I'll show you why not.
    Messy man cave and furred up cat bed?
    Rachel Caldecott
    Rachel Caldecott
    Oh Lord you have no idea.... Man cave is COLD, it has no glass in windows, is full of spiders, scorpions and large rodents (only because he hasn't worked there much this year, due to ill health - possibly caused by rodents???), not to mention all the glassmaking stuff and assorted crap we store there. Nope, not going there.:eek::scorpion::spider::spider-web::mouse-face::mouse:
    We had fun this morning registering as extras for a new Ridley Scott film starring Matt Damon... Title: The Last Duel based on the novel by Eric Jager
    Luckily Amazon Sales are a little better, but I got my first royalty statement from Smashwords... 3$87. The big time!
    Rachel Caldecott
    Rachel Caldecott
    Amazon is different. 10 kindles and around 40 books plus the 12 copies I have sold myself. And this weekend I am on an Authors' table at a Xmas fair.... So not bad. I admit for the first month. But Smashwords, for me, is a joke. Probably it works if you spend on publicity (which I can't do).
    Ooooooh, sorry. I misread. Maybe wishful thinking. Good luck with the fair - they can do okay (better if you can bundle with another book or author, apparently).
    Rachel Caldecott
    Rachel Caldecott
    Heehee. I thought it was funny. Clearly you misread the figures. It is too easy to get fixated on sales figures with your first book. Especially when you stupidly join a FB group with other writers posting about how much money they are making - quitting day job, paying off mortgage, buying their kids cars etc...
    Have you ever wanted to scrumple up your life, throw it in the bin and start all over?
    RK Wallis
    RK Wallis
    Nothing worse than the sting of not doing enough for our kids :( Feel for you xx R
    It's tough in France for young people, isn't it. Lots of zero hours, They have got to get jobs, temporary, seasonal, whatever. My daughter did 19 zero hours jobs in her 3 years after graduating, and acting work on the side. Now doing teacher training. Her acting, like your daughter's art, will never go away, meantime, gotta render unto Caesar, the bottom line. They can do it.
    Ancora Imparo
    Ancora Imparo
    No wise words to offer, @Rachel Caldecott-Thornton to magically make you feel better. It's almost a rite of passage for kids to hit rock bottom before rising to better things. I agree with the others – it is tough medicine but it'll make them more resilient (and often it makes for nicer, more compassionate people). That said, I hope things improve for them soon, and that you feel better too.
    Have spent all day at the hospital. Turns out my hubby had a stroke :(
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    Robinne Weiss
    Robinne Weiss
    Hang in there Rachel! Hope he recovers swiftly.
    Dear me, Rachel. Worrying times for you. Wonderful to have kind friends able to help out, driving. Hope your husband is on the mend very, very soon x
    Ah, that's tough, so sorry to hear this. Wishing him a full recovery and lots of love to you xx
    I feel vaguely guilty about having opted to self publish. I just convinced myself that if I ever wanted to see the 'damn' book published in my life time, I'd better do it myself. It has been - to put it mildly - a steep learning curve. Just wish I was younger so I could add all these new skills to my cv. But, at least, it should now hit the stores early next week.
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