Rachel Caldecott
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  • Hey Rachel, your 'fight' scene in chapter 19 is just superb! Totally superb! Really gripping.
    Struggling to write a query letter and synopsis. Having the most ridiculous amount of trouble, no matter how many websites I read about how to write a good one. :( What I want is a hotshot marketing person to do it for me! (But, as they say, 'I wants, never gets'.)
    Remember less is more. You don't need to tell them everything. One or two interesting bits about your novel can be stronger than trying to explain the whole book. Just focus on its essence.
    As for the synopsis, I'm currently working with the Snowflake method (very appropriate at this time of year) by Randy Ingermanson. He has a good way of doing a synopsis.
    Maybe take some time off and come back to it. Often helps.
    This snowflake method. Hmm do tell, PM me Barbara and Rachel the details. My intrigue is peaked :)
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