Rachel Caldecott
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  • I didn't do anything, but I've worked out that it appears at £20 for people looking at the UK amazon site from France. If you are elsewhere it seems fine. The third-party, BB Corps UK, selling my book at such a ridiculous price, is based in Lyon. So I remain confused but sent both Amazon and these interlopers stern emails.
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    RK Wallis
    RK Wallis
    I've had similar experiences, but I never found out why. It seemed unrelated to currency conversion...
    Hi Rachel, I checked the UK site first . All good. Paperback £9.50 and Kindle £2.99. I then went on the French Amazon site and looks like the Kindle version is 3.32 eur and the paperback is (relying on dodgy schoolboy French here) currently temporarily unavailable but they're trying to sort it out?
    Temporairement en rupture de stock.
    Nous faisons notre maximum pour réapprovisionner cet article dès que possible.
    In a panic! As you know I released my memoir the other day. On Amazon Uk site it should be at £9.50. Someone sent me a message (and I checked myself) it is being sold at £20 with delivery times of 2-3 weeks! What the hell is happening? And how the hell do I stop it?
    Cool! Just heard my first story on Short Story Hunters. Quite a surreal experience. Barbara read it beautifully. I'm quite chuffed. Thank guys. I'm not used to the idea of people actually reading something I've written. My own family never read anything of mine.
    I have to apologise for not regularly attending the huddles and pop-ups. Our house is open plan. My computer sits in the living room, a few feet from the TV and also the kitchen. If I join in a Litopia event it means that the whole household comes to a standstill. I'm also back to sharing my computer with my daughter which makes things doubly hard. But I'm with you all in spirit!
    I need help with formatting & pagination of the interior of my book. I thought I'd sorted it, but hadn't. Any ideas, volunteers, or suggestions of someone on Fiverr?
    Aghghggha! Trying to format my word doc to create a paperback version of Blown. But my computer is in French and is running a different generation of programme to all the instructions I have in English. It might be time for a cup of tea.
    I checked my account the other day. I had received $5.60 in royalties. My bank charged me 5.00€ to process them. So I actually earned 0.39 cents! YAY!
    Eva Ulian
    Eva Ulian
    I know how you feel Rachel because that happens to me too. So I asked my publisher to send me a cheque every year instead of quarterly or whenever I get 30 or more euros so as to make that 5.00€ worth it.
    Defintely building up material for a kick ass memoir. My daughter's problems, my son involved with a girl who self harms because she was abused by her step father, and now my brother has a weird flesh eating fungus caught when his wrist was impaled by a 7cm long African acacia thorn. Bring it on Universe I'm taking notes!
    Can't think about anything else except my lovely daughter. Not only is she suffering her first real heartbreak, but is having a biopsy right now in a UK hospital while I'm far away, locked down in France. Life sucks right now.
    We were all excited about being given dates for our Astra Zenica jabs... but the French have suspended them for at least 24 hours. So who knows if we will be 'done' or not. Sigh. As the threat of more lockdowns increase, the chances of me seeing my two depressed kids in the UK is looking less and less likely. Damn it!
    Hannah F
    Hannah F
    Good Grief! Taking the Covid jab is beginning to sound like a one bullet roulette!
    Eva Ulian
    Eva Ulian
    It seems with the last batch of the Astrazeneca it causes thrombosis in some cases- that's what they all died of.
    There have been deaths from clots after the Pfizer. Direct causality not proven with either. Very sorry for your young ones, Rachel. I hope they have made friends with fellow students in the UK, but not so easy during a lock-down. x
    As I prepare to launch my latest book, I have been scratching my head at some of the PR stuff Indie authors should do. For example: 'They' (Mailchimp) effectively want me to create a mailing list in order to ask people to join my mailing list.
    Just arranged for my book, The Panopticon Experiment to be sent to a blogger. She asked for it back in November, but Amazon KDP hasn't been cooperating. But... I just discovered she is a Trump supporter, so I can almost guarantee she won't like my story.
    Rachel Caldecott
    Rachel Caldecott
    Mind you, I'm not saying anything about her political beliefs other than I suspect my sort of green/vegan/trendy-lefty philosophy (which I've tried to incorporate into my story) won't really appeal to her. But I'm certainly not going to bring up politics with her. I'm only frustrated by how hard it is to make it as an author, and I keep shooting myself in the foot when it comes to promotion.
    Send it out elsewhere while waiting? Can't get into second guessing based on political screening, too much of a tangled web. Approach another blogger based purely on their other reading preferences?
    Regarding your daughter's position, the lesson for her is that business is business, not that some books are rubbish. Her illustrations can still shine. Lots of books on Amazon are crap and that encourages me. If I can be better than the crap I might sell a few books. :)
    On the other hand my son has a week to find assorted theatre people to talk about the state of live theatre under covid restrictions. He's getting a lot of responses. Plus I've been invited to submit a 5000 word chapter in a joint book about people giving up their homes and moving abroad.
    My poor daughter has just learned an important lesson. She has been commissioned to illustrate her first children's book. She signed the contract and received the first installment of money... BEFORE being sent the text. She agreed to do it purely because of the interesting concept. Sadly, it is terrible! No wonder it was turned down and the author is now trying to self-publish.
    Don't you just hate it when you ask a specialist publisher if you can send your whole m/s, they say yes, but reject you with a standard rejection letter after clearly not having read past the chapter headings (the give away was when they added, "All my team agreed they would be very interested to read your whole story, and I'm sure many others will, too.") Seriously I expected better from a small press.
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    Hannah F
    Hannah F
    Link didn't work on my computer which is apparently trying to work out how to fix that! I'll check in again later. Looking forward to listening to it.
    Looking forward to listening to it later :)
    Rachel… you may think you sound like a posh twit… but other people will interpret that as intelligence! Seriously!

    Also, link not working...
    I was due to be interviewed yesterday evening by a radio station via Skype (not something I had to pay for!), and 2 mins before the call, I was ready and prepared for it. Suddenly my internet and landline disappeared until10am today. So yesterday we had 2nd covid lockdown and the universe picking on me.
    I haven't been here much recently. Getting the kids to the UK in August was (and continues to be) more traumatic than we could have imagined. Since they left I did manage to finish two manuscripts, now being beta read before copy-editing. Now having a break while I worry about the kids and decide whether it's necessary to do some sort of suicide prevent visit (not joking - it really is that bad with one) Bloody kids!
    Rachel Caldecott
    Rachel Caldecott
    Plus it turns out his flatmates, being 3rd film students (although the same age as him) don't socialise with him. So he's lonely, broke and bored. He set up a Freshers' chat group on FB and has met a couple of students, although most are arriving in October.
    Rachel Caldecott
    Rachel Caldecott
    He also got knocked off his bike on the way to the only interview he's had since 2nd August. Needless to say, he didn't get it. Pub jobs v 'Rule of Six'... not surprising really. He's becoming more and more monosyllabic.
    Ancora Imparo
    Ancora Imparo
    Poor lad! :( Online communication and chat groups might be the best way for him to go (for now). I wish him all the best. And your daughter too.
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