Amusement Writing memes (add your favourites)

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One of my pet hates is when people swear, though don't swear because they've censored it.

If you're going to write the phrase "Give a fuck", or "Not giving a fuck", then write "fuck."

F*ck isn't a word and just looks stupid. If you don't want to swear, then write give a damn instead, or give a fig, or give a hairy hillside, or give a jot. You could even have a play on words, like Give a cluck, for a book about chickens. We have loads of expressive words. Use them.

If I ever see F*ck in a title on Popups, I'm giving it one star and rantage.
One of my pet hates is when people swear, though don't swear because they've censored it.

If you're going to write the phrase "Give a fuck", or "Not giving a fuck", then write "fuck."

F*ck isn't a word and just looks stupid. If you don't want to swear, then write give a damn instead, or give a fig, or give a hairy hillside, or give a jot. You could even have a play on words, like Give a cluck, for a book about chickens. We have loads of expressive words. Use them.

If I ever see F*ck in a title on Popups, I'm giving it one star and rantage.
Children roll their eyes if someone writes f**k or fudge or anything like that in a YA. It's condescending to them. Patronising. Because they fucking well know the word fuck. But if it's overused, the writing becomes sloppy. It's also fine not to use it or make up an alternative, but they won't forgive trying to hide the word in case any younger-than-adult is offended.

Fanfare! Is this a record?

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