Amusement Writing memes (add your favourites)

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My books have so many scars.
Bookmarks are fine until they fall out. Post-its with notes are better until they fall out. Dog ears with notes in indelible ink or pencil in the margins are best. Not your book? Ebooks from libraries, at least when read on Kindle, keep notes and bookmarks from one checkout to another. Printed books from libraries or friends? If you expect more than a quick read, don't waste your time. Buy a copy and mark it up. Margins are for marginalia. Corners are for dog ears. Dog ears and marginalia do not desecrate a book. They are hickeys left by a lover.
Bacon strips as bookmarks. I will stay with marginalia and dog ears. No grease.
When I was a student I used to work in the local public library.
We had a list someone had started in a small notebook of the odd things found in returned books, many of the items having been immediately (!) disposed of.
I myself took in a large pair of sewing scissors with serrated edges (later reclaimed) and – our all time best – which you reminded me of, a complete fried egg. Yes, honestly.
When I collected donations for refugees, we had a similar system with other volunteers—documenting the most inappropriate contributions. For male refugees (who were mainly Muslim) I was given a trendy (for the 1970s) pig skin jacket. A box of human teeth (old, possibly museum pieces). A 'his 'n' hers' Flintstone dressing up costume set. Mismatched and broken ladies' sandals. Several ball gowns (because presumably, the donor imagined they could earn money in drag shows), a feather boa (same logic), a pair of ice-skates (because that's what you need while sleeping rough - or following the previous logic, there's always 'Dancing on Ice'), and a t-shirt with the words 'Welcome to Hell!' Oh yes, and also the nozzle to an anal douche kit (used). I could go on... but the list was endless.
When I collected donations for refugees, we had a similar system with other volunteers—documenting the most inappropriate contributions. For male refugees (who were mainly Muslim) I was given a trendy (for the 1970s) pig skin jacket. A box of human teeth (old, possibly museum pieces). A 'his 'n' hers' Flintstone dressing up costume set. Mismatched and broken ladies' sandals. Several ball gowns (because presumably, the donor imagined they could earn money in drag shows), a feather boa (same logic), a pair of ice-skates (because that's what you need while sleeping rough - or following the previous logic, there's always 'Dancing on Ice'), and a t-shirt with the words 'Welcome to Hell!' Oh yes, and also the nozzle to an anal douche kit (used). I could go on... but the list was endless.
Shame I can only use one emoji. I don't know whether to laugh or scream.

Fanfare! Is this a record?

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