Writers' workspaces

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Or if you're procrastinating because you can't figure out what to write next... ;) Looking at the photos, they were either very neat and tidy, or an absolute disaster area. My workspace is the neat and tidy kind (largely because it doubles as a sewing space, so I try to make sure it's easy to switch out writing mess for sewing mess...okay, and because I'm a neat freak). What about yours?
By nature, I'm a tidy person. I think. But I hate tidying. So mess creeps up on me, and I get more and more annoyed by it until I snap and microtidy everything. Then I get no work done because I sit there smugly admiring dust-free surfaces and neat piles of paper. :)
I'm tidy/messy. My desk is a shambles, but the rest of the room is organized in its own way. My writing room also triples as my music/gaming room, so I have instruments and other stuff crammed in there. It's a veritable hodgepodge of all kinds of stuff...
I live (and work) in mess. But it's my mess, and if I need something, I just have to plunge my hand into that pile or another and voila! It comes out grabbing what I need. :)

I have a lot of things- books, clothes, plants, objects of completely no utility. I need them around me. They give me comfort ad stimulate me at the same time.
My workspace is a 4' by 7.5' room, fitted out with an Ikea desk, a 2-drawer filing cabinet that the printer sits on, and a couple shelves. If I don't keep it somewhat tidy, I can't get in the door. The previous tenants used it as a bedroom for their child--there is a window. The window glass is pebbled as if this was once a bathroom. Who knows? It's an old building. Everything you've heard about San Francisco rents is true.
I'm in a small, neutral (bland) office looking at the sky and apartments across a courtyard. I tend to be tidy. There's a small Tibetan singing bowl and a little Lady of Rocamadour figurine on the window sill and a red print of Taurus the Bull propped up behind me, bought from a very poorly French artist in Brantome.
Do you ever stick your head out of the window and chant loudly into your bowl for the entertainment of the neighbours? I would.
Do you ever stick your head out of the window and chant loudly into your bowl for the entertainment of the neighbours? I would.

No, you run a little wooden stick round the rim until it starts to hum :) My neighbours are already nervous of me, the ones who don't know me at all, that is, and I'd prefer to remain an uncertain quantity here.
No, you run a little wooden stick round the rim until it starts to hum :) My neighbours are already nervous of me, the ones who don't know me at all, that is, and I'd prefer to remain an uncertain quantity here.
Ah, a Heisenberg neighbour. The type that collapses into an eigenstate if you trim the hedges in the nude.
That's not just me, is it?
Ah, got you. There's a lot of 'em round here too. Mainly seen at drop-off / pick-up at my daughter's school, unfortunately. Yuk.
I wish I had a writing space. Right now, hubby and I are still in our ~350sqft studio apartment, so I'm usually just typing on my bed. But being in that small apartment means that pretty much everything I need is either right next to me or like 10 steps away.
Another one here who would love a writing space. As it is, I tend to work mainly on my lap-top at the dining table but otherwise, it is grabbing a few minutes here and there, and even proof reading whilst at work in the wind and the rain. I also sense that if I ever do find myself in a position to have a dedicated writing area, I will invest plenty of time and money in ensuring that it looks the business....before reverting to the dining table again with all the daily, household chaos going on around me.
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