We need to talk - and be able to talk - about ‘offence’

In case anyone needs a laugh...

Fun with Query letters

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I think the primary problem with this joke is we don't understand it. Many may not realize this, but lesbians actually never fart. We evolved past that like 30 years ago. I'll tell my grandkids about it one day.
Heh...I'm straight and I didn't get the joke, either. Could be a Brit stereotype, coz I never heard about lesbians emitting excess digestive gases. Maybe it's the soy.
I think the primary problem with this joke is we don't understand it. Many may not realize this, but lesbians actually never fart. We evolved past that like 30 years ago. I'll tell my grandkids about it one day.
Can we isolate that gene and splice it? I'm afraid if I ever have grandchildren they will either be gullible enough to think the dog is always to blame or simply come to the realisation that adults lie at an early age. Ufortunately, I think I do understand it. There's a character who has a gas problem. The writer thinks it's funnier if they are a lesbian. What made me laugh is that both male hosts thought skewered testicles hilarious.
Can we isolate that gene and splice it? I'm afraid if I ever have grandchildren they will either be gullible enough to think the dog is always to blame or simply come to the realisation that adults lie at an early age. Ufortunately, I think I do understand it. There's a character who has a gas problem. The writer thinks it's funnier if they are a lesbian. What made me laugh is that both male hosts thought skewered testicles hilarious.
Most of us blokes are secretly always laughing at our own genitalia, what can I tell you. It’s a thing :)
If you tell a joke and no one laughs, you are still an artist; you made up the joke (presumably). But in the no-laugh scenario, you are a bad artist or a good one but targeting the wrong audience. If you cause offense by accident, you are not a shitty human. You just made an error of judgement for which you can apologise. And people do make mistakes. We artists are all human. (Well, except for Ai-Da who's just plain freaky. In a good way. Perhaps.)
I have to disagree. I don't think you can just claim to be an artist. You must be named so by those who recognise your art. You may be born with a need to express yourself creatively. That may turn you into an artisan, which I prefer. It's like the difference between being a writer and an author. Calling yourself an artist without proof is a bit like calling yourself a musician because you can play chopsticks. Met too many "artists" supported by daddy's money in NYC. There has to be some proof in the pudding.
I have to disagree. I don't think you can just claim to be an artist. You must be named so by those who recognise your art. You may be born with a need to express yourself creatively. That may turn you into an artisan, which I prefer. It's like the difference between being a writer and an author. Calling yourself an artist without proof is a bit like calling yourself a musician because you can play chopsticks. Met too many "artists" supported by daddy's money in NYC. There has to be some proof in the pudding.
I do have to disagree with your disagreement a little bit :)

I am a visual artist, and I teach art. I've students who have and will paint /create for their entire life and never sell a thing, perhaps never show another person either. But they are artists because they create art. It's irrelevant if no one pronounces them to be artists. They are still artists.

Maybe this is just me though? I don't give a continental shite what someone else pronounces me to be or not be. I'm not responsible for their feelings or opinions, only how I respond to them.
I have to disagree. I don't think you can just claim to be an artist. You must be named so by those who recognise your art. You may be born with a need to express yourself creatively. That may turn you into an artisan, which I prefer. It's like the difference between being a writer and an author. Calling yourself an artist without proof is a bit like calling yourself a musician because you can play chopsticks. Met too many "artists" supported by daddy's money in NYC. There has to be some proof in the pudding.
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In case anyone needs a laugh...

Fun with Query letters
