After watching a couple of new members trying to interact with the Colony, I've reached a conclusion...
Hear me out. prefixes are great for highlighting disparate subjects within a forum. The Lab is a great example.
However, prefixes are miserable when used as a substitute for individual forums. Café Life has become a catch-all for nearly everything. While Welcome, Blogs, Book Club, Help, et-cetera clog up the Café, other fun threads get pushed down into oblivion.
Meanwhile...Topics like Book Club and Welcome are reduced to prefixes when they really deserve the exposure of a dedicated forum. At the same time, those subjects are deprived a prefix option only a forum can accommodate. Wouldn't it be great to include prefixes showing geographical location in a Welcome forum? At a glance, one could see if a fellow European or African has joined the Colony.
BTW...what happened to "Newest Members"? That was a pretty cool feature that seems to have been deprecated.
Right now, there are 142 pages in Café Life. This will grow much faster since this forum is doing the job of several forums. Sure, you can filter by prefix. Yet not every post has one - and there's no guarantee the OP used a tag you'll remember.
Look...I get it's trendy and modern to use fewer forums and more prefixes/tags. Yet I feel that's a concession to the social-media crowd who value linearity over organization. The FOMO is strong. They scroll and scroll on the same page desperate not to miss the latest buzz.
Yet writers don't work that way. We want organization. Sure...there's a search function. But it's often quicker to simply scroll through recent posts on an uncluttered forum.
Finally, there's the cozy factor. Different forums have different vibes. Some of us want to relax in a place with fewer distractions. Others don't like the idea of one size fits all. Café Life is a great place, but it may not be for everyone. Under the current system, it has to be.
About that lost vibe...

There's the Book Club, where the cool kids hang out. Except here, anyone can be the cool kid. Just read a book and tell us how you feel. Unfortunately, it goes to a dead link. It's just a prefix now. And it's a bit less cool for it.
@AgentPete - please reconsider all the prefixes. They aren't a replacement for dedicated forums. I can't be the only one who feels like this.
Hear me out. prefixes are great for highlighting disparate subjects within a forum. The Lab is a great example.
However, prefixes are miserable when used as a substitute for individual forums. Café Life has become a catch-all for nearly everything. While Welcome, Blogs, Book Club, Help, et-cetera clog up the Café, other fun threads get pushed down into oblivion.
Meanwhile...Topics like Book Club and Welcome are reduced to prefixes when they really deserve the exposure of a dedicated forum. At the same time, those subjects are deprived a prefix option only a forum can accommodate. Wouldn't it be great to include prefixes showing geographical location in a Welcome forum? At a glance, one could see if a fellow European or African has joined the Colony.
BTW...what happened to "Newest Members"? That was a pretty cool feature that seems to have been deprecated.
Right now, there are 142 pages in Café Life. This will grow much faster since this forum is doing the job of several forums. Sure, you can filter by prefix. Yet not every post has one - and there's no guarantee the OP used a tag you'll remember.
Look...I get it's trendy and modern to use fewer forums and more prefixes/tags. Yet I feel that's a concession to the social-media crowd who value linearity over organization. The FOMO is strong. They scroll and scroll on the same page desperate not to miss the latest buzz.
Yet writers don't work that way. We want organization. Sure...there's a search function. But it's often quicker to simply scroll through recent posts on an uncluttered forum.
Finally, there's the cozy factor. Different forums have different vibes. Some of us want to relax in a place with fewer distractions. Others don't like the idea of one size fits all. Café Life is a great place, but it may not be for everyone. Under the current system, it has to be.
About that lost vibe...

There's the Book Club, where the cool kids hang out. Except here, anyone can be the cool kid. Just read a book and tell us how you feel. Unfortunately, it goes to a dead link. It's just a prefix now. And it's a bit less cool for it.
@AgentPete - please reconsider all the prefixes. They aren't a replacement for dedicated forums. I can't be the only one who feels like this.
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