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Fanfare! We Have Two Joint Winners...!


Capo Famiglia
Full Member
May 19, 2014
London UK
I’m delighted to announce that we have two joint winners for this month’s ONE PERFECT SENTENCE contest…

Claire & Jonny!

Graphics for both are below, and are going out on our social media right now.

I loved all the entries! Here are the top three places together with a special mention:

Joint First​

“He'll never know it's about him, she thought, as she typed the final word of her latest romance novel.”

… Claire

“I'd often been told one day it would happen, and yet when it actually did, I was completely unprepared for my life being turned upside down.”

… Jonny

Joint Second​

“That which we call a heart, by any other name would taste as sweet.”

… Rachael

“It wasn't until she opened the suitcase that she realised ... the ‘love of her life’ would never fit inside.”

… Barbara

Joint Third​

“He’s the only man I’ll ever love, but I think I just met the girl of my dreams.”

… Sedayne

“Choosing the wrong love song can be awkward, but singing it to the wrong person can be deadly.”

… Carol

Special Mention​

“As an auditor, Roslyn Devine felt out of place at the cockfight.”

… Aethalope

Next month’s contest kicks off on the 7th October, watch out for it!
This has made me smile! Thank you!

Congratulations, Claire. But I gotta say, your award card is not at all how I pictured the scene you set. I didn't get any Happy Ending vibes. And your protag deserved at least a pair of sandals :D

Anyhoo...here's what I saw...

A mid-thirties woman is home alone in front of her laptop, elbows on the desk. Her chin rests on clasped hands as she stares at "The End" below the final paragraphs of her story.

There's a half glass of red wine on the desk. Not a silly long-stem glass; those are for celebrating or relaxing. This one is much shorter, and it has no stem.

There's a tissue box, too. It's lightly used - just a few moist tissues occupy a small wastebasket by the desk. One landed on the floor. She doesn't notice or doesn't care.

It's late. She clicks "save", then goes off to bed. She doesn't bother finishing the wine. It'll be sour in the morning.

Congratulations, Claire. But I gotta say, your award card is not at all how I pictured the scene you set. I didn't get any Happy Ending vibes. And your protag deserved at least a pair of sandals :D

Anyhoo...here's what I saw...

A mid-thirties woman is home alone in front of her laptop, elbows on the desk. Her chin rests on clasped hands as she stares at "The End" below the final paragraphs of her story.

There's a half glass of red wine on the desk. Not a silly long-stem glass; those are for celebrating or relaxing. This one is much shorter, and it has no stem.

There's a tissue box, too. It's lightly used - just a few moist tissues occupy a small wastebasket by the desk. One landed on the floor. She doesn't notice or doesn't care.

It's late. She clicks "save", then goes off to bed. She doesn't bother finishing the wine. It'll be sour in the morning.
Love this!