Fanfare! Today through Monday, My first Two novels FREE!

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Richard Sutton

Flash Club Supremo
Aug 27, 2014
HIgh above an Island, very near to NYC
Brand new editions of the Red Gate and The sequel, The Gatekeepers have been combined into a special Kindle-only bundle and are free until Monday on Amazon and Amazon UK, etc. . Since both books received excellent advice and guidance from my Litopian friends beginning back in 2008, I wanted Litopians to have a chance to read them free. Thanks everyone, for all your help with my first two children!

Amazon UK book listing page

Amazon Book listing page
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Brand new editions of the Red Gate and The sequel, The Gatekeepers have been combined into a special Kindle-only bundle and are free until Monday on Amazon and Amazon UK, etc. . Since both books received excellent advice and guidance from my Litopian friends beginning back in 2004, I wanted Litopians to have a chance to read them free. Thanks everyone, for all your help with my first two children!

Amazon UK book listing page

Amazon Book listing page
I paid 99 of the King's pennies for this a ways back, so I've already got it! I'm still working my way through Karen's book, so this is in queue!
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