Thought For The Day

Paul Whybrow

Full Member
Jun 20, 2015
Cornwall, UK
If you would tell me the heart of a man, tell me not what he reads, but what he rereads.
François Mauriac

He boiled down a hundred pages of mathematics into a simple equation. E =mc2 (c squared) or Energy = mass x the square of the speed of light.
A revolutionary insight which resulted in humans harnessing atomic energy. An amazing mind.
I wonder if I could boil my 400 page novel into a few sentences. It's what agent Pete tells us to do for our blurb but not being Einstein it ain't so easy.
I am a tenacious bugger and go full-on with most things I do so work is no problem. It's the talent I worry about :(
It doesn't matter how much talent and hard work you put in if you are unlucky. Luck is sometimes glorious, sometimes disastrous and we have no control over it.
Some 'bad' things I would have to keep. Pivotal. Too much learning attached. One or two other things, I would edit if I could. Still much learning attached, but my second baby would have been OK. He would have made it, and there would be three living children.
That's where acceptance comes in.