Hehe, there's other ways of having several people speaking and not have to use "said"
I'm terrible for having three to six people in a conversation, sometimes more (during meetings when there are 20 people at the table. Not everyone talks but then they still could, and often a big number of them do.)
I combat the overuse of "said" in several ways.
1. Have the person speaking directly interact with the next speaker by name... i.e. 'I shall have to keep an eye on these new troops. I bet Patricia can tell us a thing or two about them.'
2. Note what the person does just before they speak... i'e' "Randall ran a hand down his face and sighed. 'I honestly don't see what the problem is.' "
3. Name the person after the speech. i.e.
" 'I think we should send them all to basic training and be done with it.'
Mòrag thought about Randall's statement a moment before offering her opinion..."
Gosh there's loads of ways to do it

The key is to intersperse them so there is a good break between repeats of the same technique