The Art of the Heart -Felt Review

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Full Member
Sep 25, 2014
On Trip Advisor. This cri de coueur from a most pitiful gentleman: 'Youssef A' about accommodation in Manchester City Centre:

'When you enter the house you smell foul feel like you will die because of it. And when you go to the living room do not know where we can sit many of dirt. When you go to sleep you feel like you will cry from smell foul ... I can not say more.'

And there is no need to, Youssef, really.

Simple but effective prose. Not perfect grammatically, but...job done, I hardly knew whether to laugh or cry stumbling across this review back in 2014.

(Picture sourced elsewhere online I try to imagine the smell)

stinky house.jpg
Yes, I feel there is a place for the expression of strong feeling in an unfamiliar language. It's a little like what we call "naïve" painters who do not know the rules of art but just put down what they see and feel.
Siunds like my son's bedroom when he used to live at home. You only braved entry if you really had to.
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