Show and tell Meet and Greet???

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Pamela Jo

Full Member
Oct 26, 2021
Wexford, Ireland
Pete suggested it might be a good idea that we practice our social media speaking skills and just spend some time getting to know each other. So I'm wondering if anyone would be interested in a regular zoom meeting where everyone brings an anecdote, a personal ghost story, a news item to describe, tell, share with others?
Maybe it could be at a time that would be more accessible to those the other side of the Atlantic and down under? Or there could be separate ones for time zones and maybe just recordings swapped? Or a monthly or quarterly meeting of the Scriptomancers Society where all time zones could meet up and share notes? Just brain-storming here but I think it would be fun to get to know people in their human suits-outside their writerly personas.
Kinda like a virtual, more-regular Litfest; a huddle around the fireside with pots of tea and nips of whiskey and fruitcake that has been soaked in brandy for about 3 months for the chats and laughs? I'd hope to be able to join in :)
@RK Capps , what times would work and be comfortable for YOU? I'm sure on the odd occasion us northern hemisphere-ees might be able to pull a late-nighter :)
And, notwithstanding my advancing Old Age and my new-found love of going to bed at 10.30pm with a book and a hot water bottle - *even during the summer, to my eternal shame*- I'd be very happy to stay up until the wee hours for a party with you!!!!!!!
I'm interested, although daylight savings looms and a reasonable shared kickoff time might be hard to find.
That's why maybe one for your side of the world. Or it would have to be a noonish middle of the day break for this side of Muddle Earth?
We'd still like more, please :)
I see you as more the maestro teaching us how to do talkshow interviews of our debut book.
Anyone care to collate the logistics of doing this? Hinting at you Emily, otherwise known as the Irish Fixer. The idea came from a FB post about someone seeing a table of ladies having a ball telling each other scary stories at the local pub. They apparently met every week. I thought I'd love to have something like that. But that evolved to include the odd news story or anecdote.
The Irish Fixer, lol!!

I'll get an idea of the time frames of everyone and do a bit of ADHD brain juggling and we'll figure out a bit of virtual Litfesting ;)
The Irish Fixer, lol!!

I'll get an idea of the time frames of everyone and do a bit of ADHD brain juggling and we'll figure out a bit of virtual Litfesting ;)
My ADHD sister. I honor thee. I'd love to see this come off. Could make those long winter nights fly by, even. At least a few of them.
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