Fanfare! Short story in Te Korero Ahi Ka

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Robinne Weiss

Full Member
May 19, 2015
New Zealand
So, I submitted two stories to Speculative Fiction's anthology, Te Korero Ahi Ka. I don't know how those two pieces are doing, but they just contacted me to ask if they could include another piece I wrote that won their short story contest last year. Wow! They're willing to pay me for a story TWICE!
Excellent! Your next mission, should you choose to accept it -- sell the same story to two different journals at the same time.
Well, it might have happened with this one. It was actually out to a journal that doesn't accept simultaneous subs (which is why I didn't send it to Te Korero Ahi Ka in the first place), but I pulled it from there when these folks contacted me. Maybe with the next one...;)
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