Had a nice rejection letter back in March. They gave the option of resubmitting. This is the kind of positive feedback that gives a writer encouragement. I'd sent in the query, synopsis, & first 3 chapters. Here's what they said.
Actual agent: I really love this story: the characters, the obstacles and resolution in the synopsis. You've captured the seed of tension mystery at the beginning, I like the pace; makes me want to read more. My main reason for the rejection is the word count is too high for the current market. Should you decide to revise, please resubmit and let me know it is a resubmission and the reason.
Me (*thinking*) Wow! How awesome are they to take the time for that much input. They love the book & yeah I can see the count's too much for a debut. I'll revise.
I am ruthless in my revision. If it absolutely doesn't need to be there, ie: too much background or details etc, it's outta there. I take the advice from others to tighten the first chapters; keeping the pace but expanding details where needed. I've redone a better query and even tightened the synopsis. I resubmit direct to them with explanation. Here's the new rejection I found in my email this morning.
Not Actual agent but agent's BRAND NEW reader: I feel this needs more of a chance to get to know your main characters and their world before diving into the action. Consider beginning your novel in an "active" manner with tension upfront that creates an opportunity for you to "show" your characters. The pacing is rushed.
So-- actual agent: likes the MC's, pace, action, & tension mystery.
--agent's reader: dislikes the MC's, the pace, action & tension so he won't be showing it to them.
The reader is rejecting based on his opinion even though the agent wants it. Even though the query's first line shows it's a re-sub with reason. I can't believe all the hard work I put in to give an agent what they ask for and they'll never see it. Doesn't get more depressing than that.
Actual agent: I really love this story: the characters, the obstacles and resolution in the synopsis. You've captured the seed of tension mystery at the beginning, I like the pace; makes me want to read more. My main reason for the rejection is the word count is too high for the current market. Should you decide to revise, please resubmit and let me know it is a resubmission and the reason.
Me (*thinking*) Wow! How awesome are they to take the time for that much input. They love the book & yeah I can see the count's too much for a debut. I'll revise.
I am ruthless in my revision. If it absolutely doesn't need to be there, ie: too much background or details etc, it's outta there. I take the advice from others to tighten the first chapters; keeping the pace but expanding details where needed. I've redone a better query and even tightened the synopsis. I resubmit direct to them with explanation. Here's the new rejection I found in my email this morning.
Not Actual agent but agent's BRAND NEW reader: I feel this needs more of a chance to get to know your main characters and their world before diving into the action. Consider beginning your novel in an "active" manner with tension upfront that creates an opportunity for you to "show" your characters. The pacing is rushed.
So-- actual agent: likes the MC's, pace, action, & tension mystery.
--agent's reader: dislikes the MC's, the pace, action & tension so he won't be showing it to them.
The reader is rejecting based on his opinion even though the agent wants it. Even though the query's first line shows it's a re-sub with reason. I can't believe all the hard work I put in to give an agent what they ask for and they'll never see it. Doesn't get more depressing than that.