Just a reminder that this months inaugural One Perfect Sentence contest closes soon – you will find an exact countdown timer on the Colony’s home page, at the top of the right-hand column.
The contest has been designed to be…
I still haven’t worked out what the prize will be, although I can tell you that the winner will be awarded a badge here, and all the concomitant publicity razzmatazz that goes with it (“I knew her before she won that badge, she was quite ordinary in those days...”)
If you have contest prize ideas, just shout. I’m thinking about a badge for each month’s winner, and then a bigger prize for the yearly winner…
Oh yes, and each contest will only be open “721” i.e. it will begin on the 7th of each month and end on the 21st. So get writing, get voting… you have less than 5 days left!
(*) Not always true, but the intention is there
The contest has been designed to be…
- Easy on your writing schedule – one sentence being less time-consuming to write than a whole short story (*)
- Spontaneous – you can make as many entries as your muse directs you to
- Fun – self-evident, hopefully
- No-rules voting – simply click on the entry or entries that you like. You can even rescind your vote(s) if you so choose – you can’t break the rules because there aren’t any
- Serious purpose – it’s not entirely frivolous – focusing your mind on expressing the one, perfect sentence is good for your writers’ development (don’t take it as far as Hemingway did, though)
I still haven’t worked out what the prize will be, although I can tell you that the winner will be awarded a badge here, and all the concomitant publicity razzmatazz that goes with it (“I knew her before she won that badge, she was quite ordinary in those days...”)
If you have contest prize ideas, just shout. I’m thinking about a badge for each month’s winner, and then a bigger prize for the yearly winner…
Oh yes, and each contest will only be open “721” i.e. it will begin on the 7th of each month and end on the 21st. So get writing, get voting… you have less than 5 days left!
(*) Not always true, but the intention is there