October Flash Club - just over a week to go

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Staff member
Full Member
Mar 1, 2020
With just over a week to go we already have a good number of stories in this month's Flash Club Comp, but don't worry as there is still plenty of time for you to enter, or indeed if you have done so already, then submit another story if the fancy takes you.

Current entries can be found here October Flash Club so grab a coffee and twenty minutes of your time for a read, then be sure to vote for those you like with the thumbs-up "like" emoji. If you feel you more than just like a story then please use the "love" emoji to vote, as in the event of a tie the greater number of loves will carry the vote.

And although all have been written by fellow Litopians, and will therefore undoubtedly be excellent, please curb your enthusiasm and don't vote for each and every one. This will help achieve a clearer result.

As an added feature, and once all the votes have been collated, there will also be an honourable mention for the most prolific voter of the month.
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