Nice to meet you all!

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Andrew Carter

Hello folks,

Nice to join you all on here. I had to think a bit too hard about the verification question so relieved to have got it right!

My name is Andrew Carter, I'm a twenty-nine year old writer from Leeds, England. (Well, I say 'writer,' - it's not my job, I actually work in social services.)

My first book, Bright Lights and White Nights came out in April 2015, published by Proverse, a small publishing house based in Hong Kong. It is comedy / crime fiction about an English guy who moves to Hong Kong and gets into a bit of bother after being arrested for cocaine possession. The book was well-received but hasn't allowed me to give up the day job and whittle away my days on a beach collecting the royalties. Yet.

I'm working on my second book now, a memoir of anecdotal tales etc. I've been putting samples from this, as well as regular blogs on, which I'm finding to be a very useful site. If you have a few minutes, please have a browse through.

Andrew Carter — Profile

(I'm not sure what the etiquette is re. posting book and blog links - If this is frowned upon, I apologize!)

Thanks for your time and have a good afternoon.

All the best,

Hello :)

Congratulations and good luck with Bright Lights and White Nights. The spouse, Il Matrimonio, visited Hong Kong in January this year. Leisure, on his way to Singapore, revisiting childhood haunts. He grew up all over the place as an army child and gets wanderlust. He rang one telephone in the hotel in HK. After a while I heard an odd little click on the line. He didn't hear it, but I think someone was listening in.

If I recall, a book shop manager had recently disappeared, there. Stocking subversive books? Getting into any kind of bother there...whole can of nope.
Welcome Andrew.
Re. Katie's post, several bookshop owners vanished, if I remember correctly. They are supposed to have been kidnapped and taken to China, reportedly for stocking subversive literature.
An idea for a story-plot there, perhaps.
Welcome, Andrew. I had the verification question wrong too! But managed to get in on the second try. Good luck with the second one.
Welcome Andrew. Sorry for the slow reply but what with work, re-drafting and life it is taking time to get round everything. I hope you will understand :)
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