Newbie greetings

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Thanks. I write MG fantasy/adventure (dragons and stuff!) - anyone else here do anything similar? I was once a member of SCBWI (Society of Childrens Book Writers and Illustrators) but it was expensive and to be honest, I didn't feel I got value for money. (I still seem to be on the FB page though, so that's helpful!)
Hi Sue! Welcome to the colony! I write MG fantasy, too. Am a member of SCBWI, and also feel I don't get value for money, and likely won't renew when the time comes.
Hi Sue, welcome to the Colony! :)

I think @KateESal writes MG, not sure if it's fantasy though.

Also, there's a fantasy thread here that may interest you.
Hi Sue, welcome to the colony!

Yes, as @Rich. rightly says, I am also a writer of MG fantasy. My alternative world has been known to feature a dragon, as well as many of the other favourite tropes. I enjoy it all enormously. :-D
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