Litopia October Update

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Capo Famiglia
Full Member
May 19, 2014
London UK
There’s a lot planned for the next week or two, so let me cover things with you.

Pop-Ups seem to be going from strength to strength. Having a real live publisher on a couple of weeks ago seemed to be useful for many Litopians, and once Frankfurt is over, we’ll line up more top-of-the-line publishing pros. Next guest is a major publisher-about-to-become-agent. I’m not always complimentary about my fellow-agents, they can be a somewhat mixed bag, but this guy will quickly become a leading agent and, obviously, he will be looking for new clients initially. Looking further ahead, I’m lining up a publisher of female-oriented fiction, as well as a top childrens/YA boss.

The website will have a total overhaul in the next few days, the first in a few years. I’m very excited to see the new look, hopefully you will be, too!

The next Submissions Surgery is imminent, please watch out for a scheduling announcement. Unlike Pop-Ups, SS is just for us Litopians, not the general public. It’s a more relaxed and more comprehensive look at one member’s submission package and how to improve it.

The next FIND YOUR VOICE seminar is a hair’s breadth away from completion, watch the Colony for an announcement. Voice really is your secret weapon! I would love to think that every Litopian could develop a strong and authentic voice… and you can, as long as you’re prepared to put in the work. It really is the key to being successfully published.

The Flash Club is a fun way to maintain and develop fluency in your writing. A great many writers make the mistake of thinking that they somehow need to conserve their writing energy for the important stuff… your submissions, etc. Nothing could be more wrong. The more you write, the more confidence and control you develop. The Flash Club allows you to write off-the-top-of-your head without any downside. You’re not going to be shamed if you write something naff! For the few minutes it takes, it’s a great investment in your writing chops.

As always, let me know if there’s anything else you’d like to see Litopia doing, and – as always – a huge “thank you” to those kind souls who support Litopia with a recurring donation. You can upgrade your membership at any time: the minimum level of support is pay-whatever-you-want-to… and there are some nice perks for supporters!
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