Fanfare! Litopia’s Submissions Surgery is open!

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Capo Famiglia
Full Member
May 19, 2014
London UK

Essentially, Submissions Surgery is an advanced one-on-one with me. The purpose is to look in some depth at your overall submission, i.e. not the just first 600 words as we do on Pop-Up Submissions. Everything in your package will be considered.

Other members will be able to participate via our Discord chatroom and watch on a hidden YouTube link. It will not be broadcast on our public Facebook page. The recording will be available here in the Colony, for members only.

To qualify for a Surgery session, you must (a) be supporter of any level, (b) have made 30 posts in the Colony, and (c) have been a member for 30 days. If you don’t yet qualify for access, you won’t actually see the Surgery. But when you do, you will!

You must be available on Saturdays at 6pm UK time. The session may last for about an hour.

Your work must be of a reasonable standard, ready for submission. While I’m happy for you to try out new ideas and fresh writing approaches on Pop-Up Submissions, Submissions Surgery is definitely not the place to show your first draft. Please don’t waste my time - and yours - with work that hasn’t been through the Writing Groups process here.

More details in the Surgery itself.
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Hi Pete, quick question, in the detailed submission instructions you talk about uploading 'the manuscript'. Are you expecting a complete novel, three chapters, 50 pages...?
Hi Pete, quick question, in the detailed submission instructions you talk about uploading 'the manuscript'. Are you expecting a complete novel, three chapters, 50 pages...?

Whatever you'd send / are currently sending as a submission. Some agents want the whole thing, but I'm not fussy :)
Hi Pete

I'm keen to take part in Submissions Surgery but wasn't expecting it to function as a one-on-one. Will it be mandatory for authors to contribute audio to the process? My work would be happy in the spotlight but I'm not so sure I will be!

Hi Pete

I'm keen to take part in Submissions Surgery but wasn't expecting it to function as a one-on-one. Will it be mandatory for authors to contribute audio to the process? My work would be happy in the spotlight but I'm not so sure I will be!


Maybe your kitty cat can speak for you.
Once I get around to fulfilling the requirements to get on submission surgery I will be joining if Agent Pete will allow me. I especially wanted to try one of the manuscripts I would like to get published. Now if only I could figure my way around here.
Hi Pete

I'm keen to take part in Submissions Surgery but wasn't expecting it to function as a one-on-one. Will it be mandatory for authors to contribute audio to the process? My work would be happy in the spotlight but I'm not so sure I will be!


It's useful for me inasmuch as I can ask questions, usually to clarify something. And vice versa :)
Once I get around to fulfilling the requirements to get on submission surgery I will be joining if Agent Pete will allow me. I especially wanted to try one of the manuscripts I would like to get published. Now if only I could figure my way around here.

1) Upload an avatar :)
2) What do you find particularly confusing? I'd like the place to be more new-user-friendly, if possible.
That's correct. Litopia is still a major loss-maker for me, I'm afraid.

A few kind people support us, but most don't. I think there's a widespread belief that everything on the net is free, although maybe the recent Facebook brouhaha is showing that, one way or another, it ain't free.

The cheapest subscription is... Well, you name your amount. I would hope that that isn't too exorbitant a price to pay for a one on one...
When does submission surgery officially start?
I'm working tomorrow and Saturday LD but I'm off Sunday so will be in attendance for POP-UPS :)
And @Tim James obviously work isn't busy enough LOL :p
Why did I say that because I can :)
It starts when we're all ready. I doubt it will be weekly to begin with. It's quite important that the author can speak to me live (not necessarily on video) so there may be a bit of negotiation in terms of which particular Saturday is convenient.
Don't worry too much :) This really is just for Litopians. Recordings will only be available here, inside the Colony.
The whole apporach to SS is quite positive, i.e. how can we make this work?
It starts when we're all ready. I doubt it will be weekly to begin with. It's quite important that the author can speak to me live (not necessarily on video) so there may be a bit of negotiation in terms of which particular Saturday is convenient.
Oh, so we can negotiate a date slot, that's good.
I had been reluctant to post my submission just yet for fear of getting allocated Aug 18th which I can't unfortunately make.
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