I found this today

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'Creepy' Crowley, my father used to call Aleister Crowley . There is a very creepy account of his visit to her house when she was a child, in Joan Grant's memoir, 'Time Out Of Mind'. He was terrorising her older sister, aka grooming via hypnotism, when their mother came in and saw the game and ordered him out.

But never mind that. It's only because of the illustration that I'm reminded of that. Looks like a very interesting book, Rachel. One can currently obtain it for $35 or $600+
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A great many years ago, when I was a mere nipper, I interviewed a guy for a job in my company. He was about four times older than me.

He used to work in MI5. One of his stranger jobs was following Mr. Crowley around the country.

Why would Mi5 be spying on…?
Because they thought he might be double crossing the British government?

Extract from https://mikemcclaughry.wordpress.com/2016/03/21/document-proof-aleister-crowley-worked-for-the-british-government-as-a-spy/

It was determined that Aleister Crowley was an employee of the British Government but at present in this country on official business of which the British Counsel, New York City has full cognizance. However, he has been formerly investigated by the Attorney General Becker’s office in connection with the activities of George Verick, and the propaganda in New York City. It was found that the British Government was fully aware of the tact that Crowley was connected with this German propaganda and had received money for writing anti-British articles. This case has been turned over to the N.Y. State Attorney General’s Office, for such action as he may deem advisable. In view of the information which has been gathered within the past two months it may be possible that Aleister Crowley is double crossing the British Government. However, the case as not been completed as yet.
Mind you, I was actually posting the article because it was about The Index of Possibilities and that whole alternative publishing thing Wildwood House was famous for. Creepy Crowley was an extra.
I know. Sorry Rachel. It was his 'orrible regard triggered me. Apologies to family or fans. He still has a massive fan base in the world of Tarot - but then, I respond as I feel moved to, and I don't move in the world of Tarot.
I know. Sorry Rachel. It was his 'orrible regard triggered me. Apologies to family or fans. He still has a massive fan base in the world of Tarot - but then, I respond as I feel moved to, and I don't move in the world of Tarot.
God, no. Don't apologise. Creepy didn't begin to describe him. I was just amused by how a discussion could go off at a tangent because of one illustration. Mind you, not that I'm complaining, that often happens here at Litopia (just look at the chat room)... all these overactive minds buzzing away, sparking off from each other. (Perhaps because we all feel relaxed enough here to just let rip?)
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